In this episode of The Barbell Life Podcast, we look to determine if the movements found within Olympic weightlifting are beneficial for improving athletic performance.
Watch the YouTube video here:
Listen to the Podcast here: “Is Olympic Weightlifting Beneficial to Athletic Performance?”
To start with, we take a closer look at power explaining that power is the combination of speed and strength. We answer the question regarding “Is the expression of power, found when one performs a power clean, going to actually improve power production?” Take a deep dive into power and how to improve in my article I wrote for GymAware:
==> Improving Power Production in Athletes
We also discuss tests for athletes that help determine how much time an athlete should spend expressing power, using speed strength, and/or getting stronger. We also look at the monitoring of these ongoing tests to ensure athletes are trending properly.
We discuss the different types of weightlifting exercises and their derivatives to improve specific athletic qualities like starting strength, RFD, acceleration, and reactive ability.
Is Olympic weightlifting and the derivatives good for cognitive performance?
We look at different ways of measuring the Olympic weightlifting movements and derivatives other than just maximum increases.
We intended for this podcast to give you tools to apply to your current programs to stimulate specific adaptations to maximize the human performance of all of your athletes.
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If you are local to the Triad Region of North Carolina, check out our home where Coach Mash is Head of Sports Science: https://www.riseindoorsports.com/
or email him Travis@RiseIndoorSports.com