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The Point People are missing About Louie Simmons
I am not writing this to debate anyone. Most of the people that are criticizing Louie the most are friends of mine. These are valued friends of mine that mean the world to me. I am writing this to say that there really isn’t a debate at all.
1. I am not saying that Louie could coach weightlifting better than any of us. I am just saying that we can probably learn a thing or two from him. In the last couple of months I have learned a ton from him that I have been able to apply. All you have to do is look back at my articles.
Now maybe all of the other coaches in America already know the things that he knows. If so, that’s awesome. I don’t, and a lot of other coaches out there don’t. Maybe five of my elite lifters hit all-time total PRs this past weekend because of the fresh air. Who knows?
Ok there I go being sarcastic. My bad. I really want this to be a peace offering, so that we can all just go on with life. My point has always been that hundreds of amazing strength coaches go to Louie for tips that they might apply to their world-class athletes. Coaches like Joe Kenn, the Carolina Panthers Head Strength Coach has always been a fan of Louie’s. If coaches like Coach Kenn, by the way he’s the NSCA’s Coach of the Year two-times in a row, can learn something from him, why are we too good to learn from Louie?
It really makes no sense? Could Louie learn from us? Heck yeah. He could learn a lot from Sean Waxman, Don McCauley, and Greg Everett. When I was up there, we had a great open discussion. I feel like we learned from each other.
The main point should always be that we could all learn from each other, so be careful to write anyone off. Heck Louie isn’t saying that he can coach weightlifting. He’s saying that he could be of help. I agree. You don’t have to, but to just write him off for the entire world isn’t wise in my book.
2. He’s not trying to coach weightlifting. He is just trying to give us some insight. That’s all! On our podcast we talked about a lot of things, and technique wasn’t one of them. We talked about identifying and correcting weaknesses. We also talked about some cool ideas for recruiting new athletes. Guys he’s just trying to help.
I agree that he’s been a little abrasive, but we don’t have to return that aggression. I have known Louie for 17-years. He is just an aggressive man with some strong convictions. I have known plenty of people like that, and I have learned massive amounts of knowledge from those very men. The key is maintaining one’s own humility.
The humble listener will always end up with the most wisdom. I try to live by that statement. If you spend most of your time proving to the world that you know best, you will definitely end up the fool. If I can learn one quality piece of information from each person that I meet in life, then I will yield a massive return on those relationships towards the end of my life.
3. No one is saying that Bands and Chains are the way to Olympic greatness. I am just saying that I am going to look deeper into some of his methods. It’s the beginning of the quad, so now is the time. I definitely wouldn’t use bands for snatches or jerks because of the risk. I will definitely experiment with the clean as a few of my PhD friends are performing research as we speak. I am totally cool with squats and pulls.
I love the way that he targets weaknesses, and I believe that we should all be doing that for the longevity of our athletes that just makes sense. I love the way that he uses his accessory work to target those weaknesses. I love his focus on work capacity. If your athlete can work harder and for longer, that will yield better results. Of course I love the conjugate method in general, I use a lot of his concepts already. I would say that my athletes are doing pretty well. Yes sarcasm again! My bad.
Whether it’s Louie Simmons, John Coffee, or any great coach in the strength world, you don’t have to agree with everything that they say. However you can probably learns something from all of these legends of strength world. One thing that we should all do is respect these amazing men that have paved the way for the rest of us. These men have given their lives to the barbell. The least that we can do is respect them.
I love Louie Simmons. He is my friend, and I respect the heck out of him. I don’t agree with everything that he says. I probably don’t agree with everything that all of you think either. Here are the main points of this article:
• There is normally something to learn from everyone.
• Take the good and leave the bad
• The one that keeps the lips buttoned and the ears open will die with the most wisdom.
Now I am off to Guatemala to coach Team USA at the Youth Pan American Championships. I am pumped because this is the first International competition for the 2020 Quad. Let’s go Team USA!!!
Guys and gals, if you want a tool that will help you along your fitness path, I would be honored if you checked out the brand new “No Weaknesses” E-Book. For more information, click on the link below: