

EMOM 10 min Touch and Go Power Clean 3 reps starting at 105 and ending at 165

AMRAP 12 minutes

250 Row

10 Thrusters @ 75

Two of my least favorites = such fun time….

AMRAP 20 minutes

10 Toes to Bar

20 Hand Release Push Ups

30 Wall Balls

Toes to bar went great, all unbroken sets. As usual push ups and wallballs challenged my will to live.



1200 meter run

40 GHD situps

Was able to do the last set of GHDs unbroken, which was a personal best. Running was nice since the weather was beautiful.


2 Rope Climbs, 15 ft

10 Handstand Pushups

9:26 on this one, I tried to get all rounds of HSPU unbroken but missed on my very last set 🙁


30-24-18 Overhead Squats

15-12-9 Bar Facing Burpee


Morning Session:

5 rounds of Running

400 meters mod pace

100 easy pace

200 fast pace

100 easy pace

100 max effort

2 min rest


Evening Session:

Clean and Jerk : 55% x 3 65% x 3 75% x 2 80% x 2 85% x 1 90 x1

Snatch: same as above


Jackie and a half:

1000 meter row

50 thrusters @ 45

30 pullups

500 meter row

25 thrusters

15 pullups

The idea was to go for a PR on Jackie and survive the last round. I did end up getting a new PR of 6:51 and just tried not to die on the last movements. First time getting all of the thrusters unbroken so that was both great and awful.


Morning Session:

Rowing (exact same as running workout from Monday)


Back Squat 5×10 @ 55% (200 lbs)


25 Wallballs

25 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls

25 Box Jumps

25 Push Press

25 Calorie Row

1 Min Rest

This was another spin on Fight Gone Bad. The box jumps were probably my weakest link on this workout with wallballs and push press being the best.


Morning Session:

Assault Bike (exact same as running and rowing morning sessions)


1 Push Press + 3 Back Squat + Push Jerk + Split Jerk

My goal on this was to PR my push press which I did at 200. I was so excited I promptly accidently slid the bar off my back and had to do the rest of the complex again.

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