10/15/13 Workout, Minimums, & Picking Openers


Snatch 75%/1 x 3
Clean 75%/1 x 3
Jerks from Box max 1
Bench Press 2RM & -10% for max reps

Met Con
3 Rounds for Time:
10 HR Pushups
15 KB Swings 50/35lbs
400m Sprint

Yesterday we took our openers on Snatch. We determine our openers by our minimums. “Minimum” is the weight that we can lift on any given day. We focus on that number as much as we do our maximum weights. In choosing openers consider these things:

1. Your minimums

2. Is this your first meet? If so, open even lighter. The last thing that you want to do is bomb out.

3. Meet PRs are more important than training PRs. In training you get as many chance as you want. You might be using straps. You can take as much time as possible.

This weekend is The NC State Weightlifting Championships on Saturday, and then we are hosting one at Mash Elite Performance on Sunday called the Monster Mash Open. It starts at 11a, and it will be a great first meet. There is still room, so message me if you are interested.

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