10/2/13 Training, Necessities to Succeed, & Video


Snatch 85/1 x 2
Clean & Jerk 80/1, 85/1, 90/1, 83/1,87/1,92/1,95,?
Front Squat 1RM
Pullups 3×10 BW


3 rounds for time of:

10 KB Cleans (two hands/bells, from the floor) 24/16kg
20 Wall Balls 20/14#
50 Double-Unders

Yesterday was crazy with almost everyone hitting PRs in the Jerk! The Tapering is really starting to work! Here are five necessities to succeed as an athlete:

1. Desire! You must be relentless towards achieving your goals!

2. Fearless! A great athlete overcomes all fear of failure!

3. Positive Group Atmosphere! This is probably the most important.

4. Coaching! Find a coach that understands technique, preferably one that’s competed at a high level, and one that knows how to lift people up!

5. Knowledge! Basic knowledge of programming, nutrition, recovery, mobility, etc.

Here is a from yesterday catching a lot of the PRs, Athletic Performance, and me clowning a little:

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