11/19/13 Today’s Workout


Day 2
Power Snatch HS(no misses)
Power Clean HS(no misses)
Jerks off Blocks HS, 85/2×2(1 miss only)
Bench 3 RM, MashMafia Weightlifting -5&10% ss Band Rows low to high & high to low/8×3

Met Con

4 rounds for total reps of:

2:30 to complete…

400M Run
ME T2B in the remainder of the 2:30

Rest 1:00

We are a little more specific to the Olympic lifts this week. The volume is high this week. Yesterday kicked all of our butts, but I believe that I have an advantage over other coaches. I am in the trenches with my athletes. It’s harder, but it really earns their respect more.

I’m on my way to the Attitude Nation for Weightlifting Talk on Spreaker.com(that’s a plug). Then I get to watch MashMafia OG Amy Steller play collegiate basketball at Pfeiffer University. There’s nothing I’d rather do than watch my athletes do their thing.

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