12 Weeks of Undisputed SC – A Mash Mafia MN take on things.

Below is a program written by Coach Jason Purdhom from Mash Mafia MN. It’s his version of a Bulgarian Program with a Mash Mafia MN twist, and I love it. I can tell you now, Donny Shankle would love it. Jason knows what he’s doing. Just ask Tri Phu 62k Silver Medalist! Buckle up and get your grind hat on!

First, this is the last week to take advantage of our Christmas Specials:

Christmas Specials:

$50 off Online Coaching with Coach Mash use Coupon Code: MASHCOACHING

$50 off my Learn 2 Lift Seminar January 20th at the Mash Compound use Coupon Code: MASHSEMINAR

20% off all Apparel including the “I Do What I Want” T-Shirt use Coupon Code: MASHELITE

12 Weeks of Undisputed SC – A Mash Mafia MN take on things.

Und Pic 2

First off, a bit of an intro. Maybe a little bit of a disclaimer. If you’re not used to doing the lifts on the daily, ease into it over a week. Just do Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday the first week, and do Monday/Wednesday/Friday/Saturday the second week. By the third week, start the first week over and do every day. Then just carry on through the 12 weeks and you’ll be great!

Second, things you may need. I STRONGLY encourage you to invest in a good pair of straps. Hell, just buy a long belt, cut it in half and tape the ends together. WHAM! A pair of straps or free or $2-3 from your corner thrift store. Easy stuff. If you have any questions, get at me.
Jerk blocks will be incredibly helpful. I’ve made them for my gym for about $200 for the set. If you need to make them, you need a saw, a drill and a tape measure. It isn’t super hard. If you need help, again, get at me. There are a lot of jerks in this program. I do not demand that they are all re-racked. That, plus the volume of cleans will eat up your collarbones if you aren’t smarter than you are than reckless.

This needs to be said. Don’t be a hero on this program. If it says daily max, I mean work up to something that feels like the limit. Take one more attempt if you must. Daily max IS NOT a PR. It might be, if it’s a good day, but I do not mean take PR shots on the regular. If you’re feeling like it’s there, go for it, but if you miss (and by “miss” I mean technical miss. If you make the lift but need to take 2 steps forward to save it, or steps sideways, or red lights on the jerk, etc that’s a make, but for this program it’s a miss. Or at least a shut down point. The goal is to stick the landing and make all these lifts look at LEAST halfway decent. If you need some help judging, direct message me on instagram at “undisputed_weightlifting” (along with your coach, so we can work together, if you have one) or use the hashtag #undisputedsc and/or @mashmafiamn). If it’s repeat waves, hit up to your max (reread the last paragraph), go back down to 70-75% or so and wave back up to your technical limit. That should be it. Also, if you’re a split jerker, do a couple sets of lunges with the opposite foot forward just to even our your hips and legs before you go home for the day.

I cannot emphasize how great a coach is. Not just for programming, but for daily feedback on how you’re looking, if you’re slacking, if you’re focusing more on taking instagram videos than lifting the damn weight, etc. A good coach will keep you on task, push you more than you’re willing to push yourself, shut you down when you’re being reckless, and just be a good influence in your life (hopefully).

Ok, that’s enough chatting. Thanks for taking a look and I sincerely hope this works for you as it’s worked for us and our lifters. We qualified 4 of our 9 “full time” lifters to a national meet within 6 months of being a gym, and only one of those 4 have over a year of lifting. In short, if you show up and put in the work and be consistent, the results will follow.

If you’re using this as a 12 week cycle before a meet, see the note at the end about tapering and how we can help. Just saying that here so you know it’s there before you get to the end. No easter eggs in here. Promise.

To learn more about us, check out the links below:



Facebook: Undisputed Strength and Conditioning

Saturday Template and why:
For Saturday, you are to pick 2 exercises from each category to perform 3-5 sets of 8-20 reps each just to keep your body symmetrical to the best of our ability.

Unilateral Leg:
Bulgarian (rear foot elevated) Split Squats
Single Leg Dead Lift
Jerk stance split lunges
Pistol Squats (for you crossfitters out there)

Unilateral Arm:
Single Arm Overhead Squat
Waiter Walk
Single Arm Overhead Press
One Arm Banded Rows
Hammer Curls

Core Front:
Hanging Leg Raise
Ab Wheel or Barbell Rollout
GHD Situps
Weighted situps
Weighted GHD “Russian Twists”

Core Back and Sides:
Farmers Walk (Isolateral)
Reverse Russian Twist on GHD
Weighted GHD raises
Good Mornings
Reverse Hyper

If you get sick or bored of a certain exercise, you’ve got options. Don’t pick something you don’t want to do, but try to get SOME variety over the weeks. This is where a coach is able to see imbalances starting and help get you faster on the right track/make you do things you don’t want to do.

Week 1 Day 1. Monday.
Snatch – 2 waves. Start with the bar. Make 10% jumps up to 80%, then go 3-5% increases up to your technical max. Once you establish that, go back down to 70-75% and wave back up to a technical max again. Those are your 2 waves. Put those #’s in your notebook.
Clean and Jerk – Work to daily max double
Back Squat – Find your 10RM. Keep that weight on there, catch your breath, and accumulate another 20 reps with that weight.

Week 1 Day 2. Tuesday.
Muscle Snatch – 4 sets of 4 reps. Kinda light, obviously. I am pro bar/body contact and a smooth turnover.
Power clean/ 3 jerks – rebound your jerks. Down UP right away. Keep it FAST. 75% ish. If that feels really easy, go up a little. 4 sets.
Snatch Grip RDL’s – 5 sets of 6 reps. Lower as close to the floor as possible with a straight back.
Bent Over rows – Try to stay as parallel to the floor as possible. 3 sets of 8 reps.

Week 1 Day 3. Wednesday.
Snatch – Work up to your best double. Technical makes. Little leeway granted for second rep. Keep that weight on the bar then do 4 singles.
Clean and Jerk – 2 waves.
Front Squat – 8 triples at a weight you can be fast! No GRINDING until the last 2 sets, if at all.
Push Press – 4 x 4. As heavy as possible without rebending the knees.

Week 1 Day 4. Thursday.
Power Snatch – 3 triples as heavy as possible. When powering lifts, DO NOT miss them forward. If you miss a power, it should be because you got pushed down into the hole.
Power Clean – Find 4RM power clean. No more than 5 seconds between reps. Jerk last rep.
Clean pull to hip – 3” or so deficit. 6 sets of 3. If your chest drops, lower the weight.
Pullups – 3 sets of max -2 reps (-2 means leave 2 in the tank). If you’re over 10-15 reps, add resistance.

Week 1 Day 5. Friday! Max out Friday!
3 misses and out both lifts (technical misses count as misses. Max out is NOT the same as PR, unless you’re on fire. As far as I’m concerned, if you’re hitting 90% of your PR on any given day you’re having a “good day”)
Back squat – 6 singles at 90% of your 1rm.
Week 1 Day 6. Saturday.
See Saturday Template at front.

Week 2 Day 1. Monday.
Snatch: Work to daily max Power Snatch. Then -5% for 4 sets power snatch then full snatch.
Power Clean to Full Clean to Jerk – 3 sets as heavy as possible. Then with same weight, 3 reps clean and jerk. Remove the power clean.
Back Squat – Daily Max (little to no grinding. If the bar slows too much take a little extra off) remove 10% for 6 singles.
Weighted GHD raises – 3 sets of 12 SUPERSET with Good Mornings – 3 sets of 8

Week 2 Day 2. Tuesday.
Snatch – 3 second pause at the knee. 6 doubles at technical limit probably around 80% or so.
Power Clean plus 3 Push Press x2 – Power Clean, 3 push press from front. Power clean, 3 push press behind neck. That’s one set. Do 3 sets. Keep it crisp and fast. No knee rebend on push presses.
Rear Delt Flys – 4 sets of 15 SUPERSET Bent Over Rows 4×8 SUPERSET Pushups 4 x max -2. (2 reps in the tank). If you can’t weight them appropriately, use rings or do handstand pushups.

Week 2 Day 3. Wednesday.
Snatch – Work to Daily Max. Subract 5-10% for 8 more singles.
Clean and Jerk – 4 singles as above.
Back Squat – Find 3RM then do 5 singles with same weight.

Week 2 Day 4. Thursday.
No Hook, No Feet Snatch – 4 doubles. Get the bar up and get under fast.
Power Clean to Strict press (quick transition. Don’t rest on shoulders) – 4 doubles as heavy as reasonable.
Snatch Pulls to Hip – 6 triples with 5 second negative. KEEP CHEST UP and weight on heels!

Week 2 Day 5. MAX OUT FRIDAY!
Snatch – One miss and out. Remove 5-10% from last make and do 4 singles.
Clean and Jerk – miss and out. Remove 5-10$% from last make and do 3 singles.
Front Squat – 1RM Paused front squat. Pause 3 seconds. Then do 8 reps no pause same weight in as few sets as possible.

Week 2 Day 6. Saturday.
See Saturday Template at front.

Week 3 Day 1. Monday.
Snatch – Work to daily max (technical max), then remove 5-10% for 6 singles.
Clean and Jerk – Daily max (technical max) then -10% for 3 singles.
Snatch High pulls – Hang with Pause at the knee. 6 sets of 3.
Bend over Row – Single arm (use a DB or KB) SUPERSET with Lateral Plate Raises. 4 sets of 8-10 each.

Week 3 Day 2. Tuesday.
Snatch: Work to daily max triple.
Power Clean and 2 push jerks – 4 sets at 75-85% depending on feel/proficiency at power cleans and push jerks.
Back Squat – 8 doubles at 90%
Weighted GHD back raises and situps – 4 sets 6 reps each.

Week 3 Day 3. Wednesday.
Snatch –Work to Daily Max, -5% for 4 singles.
Clean and Jerk – Work to Daily Max, then 2 singles at 85%
Clean Pulls with pause at knee – 6 sets of 4.
Push Press – Rebounding behind the neck. 4 sets of 6.
Good Mornings – 5 sets of 6.

Week 3 Day 4. Thursday.
Snatch – Work to Daily Max
Cleans – Triples off the high blocks. 3 sets.
Front Squat – 1 second pause, 6 sets of 4 reps.

Week 3 Day 5. Max Out Friday!
Snatch – 3 waves to technical max. 1 miss and back down.
Clean and jerk – Same as above.
Snatch Pulls – 8 doubles. position pause from deficit (pause where the floor would be if you weren’t from a deficit, pause at knee. Finish pull to hip and pause same spots on way down.)
Pullups and Dips – weighted. 4 sets of 10-15 each.

Week 3 Day 6. Saturday.
See Saturday Template at front.

Week 4 Day 1. Monday.
Snatch: Work to Daily Max, -5-10% for 4 doubles.
Clean and 2 Jerks – up to max. Then do 3 singles (clean and jerk) with same weight.
Snatch Grip RDL’s – 5 sets of 6
Single Arm Bent Over Rows – 8 sets of 8/arm

Week 4 Day 2. Tuesday.
Snatch – 2 pulls, 2 low hang snatch as heavy as possible
Clean and Jerk– High Hang (above knee) doubles then Jerk. 4 sets.
Behind the Neck Jerks – 6 sets of 4.
Snatch Balance: 6 sets triples as heavy as smooth. 4 second hold at bottom and top of each rep.

Week 4 Day 3 – Wednesday
Snatch – work to max double (technical makes) then do 8 singles with same weight.
Clean and Jerk – 3 waves 80-100%
Snatch and Clean Pulls from floor – 4 sets of 4 each. Touch and go with a controlled negative. As heavy as possible with no form breakdown. How heavy is too heavy? If you can’t get it off the floor, or if your back rounds, it’s too heavy.

Week 4 Day 4. Thursday.
Snatch pull to hip, then snatch then overhead squat – 3 sets at 75%. Don’t think of it as a light day. Think of it as a fast day!
Clean complex: 5 sets of 3 clean pulls to hip, 3 power clean, 3 strict press, 3 cleans, 3 jerks. Gonna be light. Be crisp! 30-40%
Push Press – 3 sets of 8.

Week 4 Day 5. MAX OUT FRIDAY!
Snatch and CJ – find 1rm. 2 misses and you’re done! Then -10% for 10 snatches and 7 clean and jerks.
Back Squat – Find 5RM. Same weight for 6 triples.

Week 4 Day 6. Saturday.
See Saturday Template at front.

Week 5 Day 1. Monday
Snatch – Find 3RM (best triple). Keep that weight on the bar and do 4 doubles and 2 singles.
Cleans 3 Jerks – Rebounding. Be quick and crisp.
Front Squat – 8 singles as heavy as possible. 3 second pause at bottom.

Week 5 Day 2. Tuesday.
Snatch – Daily Max from High Hang. Then Best double from High Hang.
3 Cleans 6 Jerks. 4 sets at around 40-50%. Take your time. Be CRISP. Don’t just rush through them.
Front Rack Supports/ Jerk Dips – 6 doubles at 130% CJ from Friday.
Pullups – 4 sets max -2 SUPERSET Dips max -2.

Week 5 Day 3. Wednesday.
Snatch – Work to Daily Max Double. Then 3 singles with same weight.
Clean and Jerk – Work to Daily Max, accumulate 10 reps above 85% (including the work up, after you establish what 85% is/was)
Back Squat – 5×5. Pause first 2 reps each set.

Week 5 Day 4. Thursday.
Muscle Snatch to Snatch Balance – Be fast. Don’t rest on shoulders for snatch balance. SMOOTH. 6 triples around 40%
Clean – Low hang doubles. 3 sets.
Pullups – Rear Delt Flys – GHD raises – 3 sets of 8-12 each.

Week 5 Day 5. Max Out Friday!
Snatch and Clean and Jerk – Find 1RM. Do 3 more reps snatch, 1 rep CJ with 90% of your 1rm.
Back Squat – 1RM, then 20 reps with 90% as few sets as needed.

Week 5 Day 6. Saturday.
See Saturday Template at front.

Week 6 Day 1. Monday.
Snatch – 2 waves. At the top of the second wave, -10% and do 4 singles.
Clean and Jerk – 1 wave. 90% for 3 singles. 85% for 2 doubles.
Back Squat – Find your 10RM. Keep that weight on there, catch your breath, and accumulate another 20 reps with that weight.

Week 6 Day 2. Tuesday.
Muscle Snatch – 4 sets of 4 reps. Kinda light.
Power clean/ 3 jerks – rebound your jerks. Down UP right away. Keep it FAST. 75-80% ish. 4 sets.
Snatch Grip RDL’s – 5 sets of 6 reps. Lower
Bent Over rows –. 4 sets of 6 reps.

Week 6 Day 3. Wednesday.
Snatch – Work up to your best double. Technical makes. Keep that weight on the bar then do 6 singles.
Clean and Jerk – 2 waves. 2 extra reps at 90% of second wave.
Front Squat – 8 triples.
Push Press – 4 x 4. As heavy as possible without rebending the knees.

Week 6 Day 4. Thursday.
Power Snatch – 3 triples as heavy as possible.
Power Clean – Find 2RM power clean. No more than 5 seconds between reps. 2 extra clean and jerks with same weight.
Clean pull to hip – 3” or so deficit. 6 sets of 3. If your chest drops, lower the weight.
Pullups – 3 sets of max -2 reps (-2 means leave 2 in the tank). If you’re over 10-15 reps, add resistance.

Week 6 Day 5. MAX OUT FRIDAY!
Snatch – Find Daily Max. Then remove 10% for 3 triples.
Clean and Jerk – Find Daily Max. 6 singles with 95%.
Back Squat – Find daily max. 10 singles at 93%

Week 6 Day 6. Saturday.
See Saturday Template at front.

Week 7 Day 1. Monday.
Snatch – 5 singles as heavy as possible. Technical makes. Fast and Crisp.
Clean and 2 Jerks – (second jerk behind the neck) 4 sets. As heavy as comfortable re-racking behind the neck.
Front Squat – 6 doubles at 90% of Friday’s CJ.

Week 7 Day 2. Tuesday.
Snatch – Witch pause at the knee. 6 doubles at technical limit.
Power Clean plus 3 Push Press x2 – Power Clean, 3 push press from front. Power clean, 3 push press behind neck. That’s one set. Do 2 sets.
Rear Delt Flys – 4 sets of 15 SUPERSET Single Arm Bent Over Rows 4×8/arm SUPERSET Handstand or Ring Pushups 4 x max -2.

Week 7 Day 3. Wednesday.
Snatch –Work to Daily Max. Then 5 singles at as high a percentage as possible.
Clean and Jerk – 4 singles 85-90%
Front Squat – Find 1RM.

Week 7 Day 4. Thursday.
No Hook, No Feet Snatch – 4 doubles. Get the bar up and get under fast.
Power Clean to Strict press (quick transition. Don’t rest on shoulders) – 4 Triples as heavy as reasonable.
Snatch Pulls to Hip – 3 triples with 5 second negative. KEEP CHEST UP and weight on heels!

Week 7 Day 5. MAX OUT FRIDAY!
Snatch and CJ. Work to Daily Max. 3 misses and out. Then remove appropriate weight for 4 doubles snatch, 4 singles CJ.
Back Squat – Find 1RM.

Week 7 Day 6. Saturday.
See Saturday Template at front.

Week 8 Day 1. Monday.
Snatch – Work to daily max (technical max), then remove 5% for 5 singles.
Clean and Jerk – Daily max (technical max) then -10% for 5 singles.
Snatch pulls – Deficit with Pause at the knee. 6 sets of 3.
Bend over Row – Single arm (use a DB or KB) SUPERSET with Lateral Plate Raises. 4 sets of 8-10 each.

Week 8 Day 2. Tuesday.
Hip snatch – (stay vertical. Dip and drive with bar in hip pocket – pull under) 12 doubles at as heavy as technically sound. Yes 12. It won’t be heavy. Move fast be crisp.
Power Clean and 2 push jerks – 4 sets at 80-85% depending on feel/proficiency at power cleans and push jerks.
Back Squat – 10 doubles at 90% of last friday
Russian twists with barbell on GHD – (GHD hold with barbell on back. Rotate shoulders until barbell sleeves are as close to ground as possible) 4 sets of 6-8

Week 8 Day 3. Wednesday.
Snatch – Work to Daily Max double, then 4 singles with that weight.
Clean and Jerk – Work to Daily Max double, then 2 singles with that weight.
Clean Pulls with pause at knee – 8 sets of 3.
Push Press – Rebounding behind the neck. 6 sets of 4.
Good Mornings – 6 sets of 6.

Week 8 Day 4. Thursday.
Snatch – High Hang Snatch triples. 4 sets at technical limit. Be fast and aggressive.
Cleans – Power Clean doubles, jerk second rep. 4 sets as heavy as possible.
Front Squat – 3 second pause, 6 sets of 3 reps.

Week 8 Day 5. MAX OUT FRIDAY!
Snatch – 3 waves to technical max double. 1 miss and back down. Top of last wave do 4 singles.
Clean and jerk – 2 waves. -5% at top of second wave for 2 singles.
Snatch Pulls – 8 doubles. position pause from deficit (pause where the floor would be if you weren’t from a deficit, pause at knee. Finish pull to hip and pause same spots on way down.)
Pullups and Dips – weighted. 4 sets of 10-15 each.

Week 8 Day 6. Saturday.
See Saturday Template at front.

Week 9 Day 1. Monday.
Snatch – Work to Daily Max Snatch Pull + Snatch. Then 4 reps just snatch with that weight.
Snatch Grip RDL’s – 4sets of 8
Pullups and dips – 4 sets of 8-12 reps.

Week 9 Day 2. Tuesday.
Snatch Double – Low hang (below knee). Work to Daily Max. Do one additional set as close to same weight as possible.
Clean and Jerk: Work to Daily Max TRIPLE. Then double that weight twice and single 4 times.
Behind the Neck Jerks – 6 sets of 4. Be crisp.
Single Arm Overhead Squats – 4 sets of 8/arm.

Week 9 Day 3. Wednesday.
Snatch – work to daily max single. Do 4 doubles with 5-10% less.
Clean and Jerk – 2 waves 80-100%
Snatch and Clean Pulls from floor – 6 sets of 2 each. Touch and go with a controlled negative.

Week 9 Day 4. Thursday.
Power Snatch – 3 triples as heavy as possible
Power Clean – Find 1RM power clean. Accumulate another 8 heavy singles.
Pullups – 3 sets of max -2 reps (-2 means leave 2 in the tank). If you’re over 10-15 reps, add resistance

Week 9 Day 5. Friday.
Work to Daily Max on both lifts. Accumulate 6 snatches at 90-95% and 3 cj at 90% or higher.
Back Squat! (it’s been a hot little minute. Ready yourself!) find 10RM. Remove 5% for another set of 10, then another 5% for another set of 10.

Week 9 Day 6. Saturday.
See Saturday Template at front.

Week 10 Day 1. Monday.
Snatch –3 singles at 90% of Friday’s max.
Clean and Jerk – 2 singles at 90% of Friday’s max.
Back squats – 4sets of 4 with Friday’s 10RM

Week 10 Day 2. Tuesday.
Snatch: Work to Daily Max Double
Power Clean and 2 Push Press – 4 sets as heavy as possible.
Row Machine: Row a slow 2k or a couple slow 5k’s.

Week 10 Day 3. Wednesday.
Power Snatch to Full Snatch – 3 sets at technical limit.
Power Clean and Jerk – 3 sets as heavy as possible. Then with same weight, 3 reps clean and jerk.
Back Squat – Daily Max (little to no grinding. If the bar slows too much take a little extra off) remove 10% for 3 singles.
Weighted GHD raises – 3 sets of 12 SUPERSET with Good Mornings – 3 sets of 8

Week 10 Day 4. Thursday.
Muscle Snatch to Snatch Balance- 4 sets of 4 reps.
Power clean/ 3 jerks – rebound your jerks. Down UP right away. Keep it FAST. 4 sets.
High Hip DL’s – 4 sets of 6 reps.
Bent Over rows – Try to stay as parallel to the floor as possible. 3 sets of 8 reps.

Week 10 Day 5. MAX OUT FRIDAY!
Work to daily maxes. 10 snatches at 90% (not singles unless necessary. As few sets as possible) 2 CJ at 95%.
Back Squats – 6 sets of 2 reps with week 5’s 1 rep max.

Week 10 Day 6. Saturday.
See Saturday Template at front.

Week 11 Day 1. Monday.
Snatch – Work to Daily Max triple. Keep that weight on the bar and do 4 doubles and 4 singles.
2 Cleans 3 Jerks – Rebounding. Be quick and crisp. As heavy as possible.
Front Squat – 10 singles as heavy as possible. 1 second pause at bottom.

Week 11 Day 2. Tuesday.
Power Snatch – work to Daily Max Power Snatch. Do 10 singles snatch same weight.
Power Clean and 2 Jerk – work to 1rm no misses. Then do 4 clean and jerk singles same weight.
Deficit Clean Pulls – 6 sets of 3. Kinda light. CHEST UP!

Week 11. Day 3. Wednesday.
Snatch – Work to Daily Max double. Then 5 singles with same weight.
Clean and Jerk – Work to Daily Max, accumulate 10 reps above 85% (including the work up, after you establish what 85% is/was)
Back Squat – 5×5. Pause first 2 reps each set.

Week 11 Day 4. Thursday.
Snatch Complex – 8 reps each – Klokov Press, Snatch Balance, Sotts Press (behind the neck in squat), Overhead Squat. 4 sets. Bar or slightly heavier.
Good Mornings – 4 sets of 8 SUPERSET Ab wheel 4 sets of 8-15

Week 11 Day 5. MAX OUT FRIDAY!
Snatch – One miss and out. Remove 5-10$% from last make and do 4 doubles.
Clean and Jerk – miss and out. Remove 10% from last make and do 3 doubles.
Front Squat – 1RM front squat. Then 4 doubles same weight back squat. Shouldn’t be too hard.

Week 11 Day 6. Saturday.
See Saturday Template at front.

Week 12 Day 1. Monday.
Snatch – 1 pull, 1 snatch as heavy as possible. Then 4 reps snatch single.
Clean and power Jerks – up to max. Then do 3 singles (clean and jerk) with same weight.
Snatch Grip RDL’s – 3 sets of 8
Single Arm Bent Over Rows – 8 sets of 8/arm

Week 12 Day 2. Tuesday.
Snatch – High hang double daily max then 4 singles same weight (from hang). Fast, crisp and aggressive.
Power Clean and 4 Push Press – 6 sets from front or back. (obviously first rep is in front but if you want to drop behind you can)
SUPERSET rear delt flys and abs of some sort. 3 sets of 15 each.
Back Squat – 3 doubles with week 5’s 1RM.

Week 12 Day 3. Wednesday.
Snatch – Work up to your Daily Max Double. Do 3 more doubles taking as little weight off as possible.
Clean and Jerk – 2 waves.

Week 12 Day 4. Thursday.
Back Squat work up to 1RM
Clean Pulls to Hip – 2 doubles. Chest up. Big drive. Stay tight.

Week 12 Day 5. MAX OUT FRIDAY!
Last Max out Friday! GO NUTS. I’ll give you 3 misses to hit the biggest weight for each lift.

Week 12 Day 6.
See Saturday Template at front.

This is not a SUPER FAST RESULTS IMMEDIATE GAINZ ADD 50 POUNDS TO YOUR LEG PRESS IN 3 DAYS style program. This is a long haul program. This is a “work hard and the results will follow” program. This can be done immediately followed by a 4-8 week strength block will less emphasis on the fast lifts (which I will be addressing in my next release) or this program can be done indefinitely (if you have someone to keep an eye on your weaknesses and address them – less squatting, more pulling, overhead is weak in one direction, things like that) when done right. Don’t be afraid to take a day to go easy. Move light weights faster if you’re beat up. Don’t take the day off completely. You’ll feel worse. Get yourself in, skip the program for the day and just move a bar or 50% loads for a while and peace out. You’ll feel better the next day. Eventually you’re gonna feel like garbage and everything will feel heavy. Ride it out. Do the best you can. That’s all I ever ask. You’ll make it through. Glory waits on the other side. We’re looking to raise the minimums. Along with the minimums going up, the max tends to go up too. Funny how that works. Some day’s you’ll hit a solid 15kg under your PR, or even your last day’s performance. That’s ok. Ride it out. Embrace the day to day. That’s where the improvements are made Again, use #undisputedsc and/or #mashmafiamn and we’ll keep an eye on you and help out. Find us on Instagram at Undisputed_Weightlifting.


First, if you’re new to competing I suggest opening with something you can double on consecutive days for the snatch, and can hit twice in 30 seconds on the CJ. Something that you won’t mentally check out on, but something you can hit with your eyes closed and you know it. Second attempt should be a pretty sure make if you don’t shit the bed, and the third you can shoot for your qualifying total or a PR attempt if it’s in the cards.
Ease out the accessory work (pulls, presses, etc). Stick to the main lifts the last week/week and a half out.

Saturday before meet.
Take the day to recover. Light snatches and cleans. Crisp. Easy. Try to move well and get some soreness out.
Get a massage or chiro on Sunday if possible.

Monday before meet
Hit your openers. Nice and easy. 2 reps each. 3 heavy doubles on back squat.

Tuesday before meet
Work up to your 85-90% effort on both lifts. This will be your last heavy day. Be sure to not over-reach. Keep it within tolerance.

Wednesday before meet
Double your Opening snatch, hit 2 opening CJ inside a minute. 2 singles front squat @ last attempt CJ

Thursday before meet
Nail your openers. 2 singles each. One heavy back squat single.

Friday before meet. (assuming Saturday meet)
Do any recovery work that is needed early in the day, move a barbell and relax.

Meet Day!
Relax. Know that you are prepared. Stay calm and execute. You should be feeling pretty good and ready to rumble. Good work, good luck, and let us know how you did!

If you’ve got questions, give us a shout!

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