1/3&4/14 workouts

Hang Snatch to Snatch max (2 misses)
Hang Clean to Clean & Jerk (2 misses)
Jerk from Box HS, 80%/2 (1 miss)


4 rounds for total time of:

15 Burpees (absolutely as fast as possible)
20 Wall Balls 20/14

Rest 1:00 after each round.

Back Squat 90%/1
Clean off Box 3RM, then -5&-10%
Back Squat 5 RM, then -10%/5 and -25%/5 with 2 sec pauses
Fat Bar Bench 5RM, then -10%/5 and -20%/5 w 3 sec pauses or Millitary Press Fat Bar 5RM, then -5 & -10%
DL 5 RM, then -20%/5 w 3 sec pauses at knee

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