A Breakthrough Moment

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A Breakthrough Moment

Yesterday during Session 2 of my Mash Method Training, I Front Squatted 220k/484lb. It was the first moment that I actually believed that not only could I get back in great shape, but also I believe now that I can get in the best shape ever. This lift put me way ahead of schedule for my goals in 2017.

I think that we all have certain numbers that we must first get to that propels us further towards our goals. It’s quite arbitrary when one things about it really. Why 220k? Why didn’t I get this confidence boost when I front squatted 215k a few weeks ago?

Possibly because 220k puts me close to a 500lb Front Squat again, and there is something manly about front squatting 500lb. At least I think so, and really when it comes to training goals, nothing matters other than what I think. No body really cares other than me, so it needs to matter to me. The same goes for you. Your training has to matter to you and no one else.

Yesterday I told my training partner and friend Chris Ox Mason that I had Front Squatted 220k. He replied, “Why?”

I answered by saying, “Because I could!” That’s the truth. To me the heavy lifting makes me feel young. I am able to lift more weight in the squats and pull than 99% of my athletes. Yes I am heavier than most of them, but I don’t care. Of course there is Nathan Damron, but he doesn’t count because he’s not human. However don’t think that I am not going to try and squat with him by the end of the year. Yes it’s probably not going to happen, but I have always shot for the big dog. I think that it adds to our coach and athlete bond, and it allows us to have some fun in the gym.

I find that I relate to my athletes better when I am training. I am more fun to be around, and I definitely bring more energy to the room when I am training. That’s just the way I am when I am training. I get excited, and I like to have a goodtime. A lot of my athletes need to be reminded to have a good time.

So what is your breakthrough lift that you need to hit to believe that you are truly capable of your goals? Is it high enough? Just because I am 43-years-old doesn’t mean that I am going to start setting mediocre goals. I am not that kind of coach, and I am certainly not that kind of athlete. I leave mediocrity to the coaches talking junk about our team while failing to produce more than one or two National Athletes. OK that was a little harsh, but I am not going to erase it. Haha

Here’s another small rant that I will leave you with before I am off to Wake Forest University to help with their strength program. Why is it that people get their feeling hurt when they talk junk on a social media post and then others attack them? I mean you started the talking. Here’s the thing. You will never find great coaches ever critiquing, criticizing, and talking junk on social media. We are too busy producing athletes. All that we ask is that you leave our athletes along. I recommend focusing on yourself because that will produce the most fruit in your own life. An outward focus will never yield a crop because there is never any improving. Anyways I hope that is taken as guidance. I really don’t care when people criticize Coach McCauley or me. We are producing. You can read about our results, and we are respected amongst our peers. That’s all that we can ask for.

Let me end by giving some advice on “breakthrough moments”. I recommend setting goals that are big. Of course set smaller goals that can be achieved weekly or monthly. I recommend circling one of those numbers as a breakthrough number. You know a number that lets you know that your big goals are achievable.

I can tell you this. After yesterday, I am ready to lift more weight than any other time in my life. Here are some of the principles that are helping me along the way:

• Frequency- I still do the important things often.
• Mash Method- This is a play on PAP, but it is really helping me add some quality muscle and strength at the same time.
• Surround yourself with people with equally or greater goals. Insane people make each other more insane I have found.
• Focus on your weaknesses for accessory movements. This has been a game changer.

Tomorrow is Mash Method Front Squat and Bench Press. Saturday I am visiting Big House Power HQ to work with the world’s best strength coach, Coach Joe Kenn. We are hitting some deadlifts on a Saturday morning. Stand by for all of the results and shenanigans.

You can check out the Front Squat on Instagram: @coachtravismash

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• Eat What You Want
• Eat and Lift What You Want

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