A New Direction

Our latest E-Book “Performance Zone” has dropped! Check it out now at:

==> www.mashelite.com/performancezone/

A New Direction

Last weekend I had the chance to train at Westside Barbell in Columbus, OH. If you truly have a passion for the barbell like I do, you owe it to yourself to at least see it once before you die. Every time I see that place, I remember why I started this journey. Just like Louie, I am fascinated with the human body.

How far can we push the limits?

Where can we take things?

These are the questions that circle in my brain on a daily basis. When you walk into Westside, you can feel those questions. You can hear the screams of athletes long gone echoing in time. You can sense the rage of the present athletes as they endlessly pursue a place for their name on the legendary record board.

My injury (ruptured triceps tendon) has given me the chance to think about the future. I have decided to focus on powerlifting and leave weightlifting alone moving forwards. It’s not to say that the two are impossible to match together. I could definitely make the time. I just honestly don’t want to make the time.

I want to balance training with family, business, and God. I can easily control the volume of the powerlifts as to avoid injury in the future. The Olympic lifts are amazing. They are beautiful and athletic. I love performing them. It’s just they are fast, and things can go wrong really quickly at my age. The 115k Power Snatch that ruptured my triceps tendon wasn’t heavy. It was just fast and powerful.

The other end is that I want to compete in powerlifting at as high a level as possible. I am taking a three-year approach to this comeback. I am not trying to set world records quite yet, but I still think that I can push some numbers. I am also going to continue the conditioning that I started before the injury with Coach Ox Mason.

Yesterday was a pretty good start:

Mash Method High Bar Back Squats 405lb x 1, 315lb x 5, 425lb x 1, 335lb x 5, 455lb x1, 365lb x 5
Wide Goodmornings- 135lb 3 x 5
30-minutes of lower mobility

I plan on focusing on the wide goodmornings for quite sometime. Goodmornings were the very exercise that pushed my squat from 600lb to 700lb when I was a junior lifter. The key is a slow approach. Strengthening the back is definitely a marathon and not a sprint. However done properly, you can build a bulletproof back.

I will be honest. This injury has really been hard to swallow. It has been a mental battle especially at my age. I had worked so hard to get back into share, and then boom I am hurt. It’s a silly thing really. It’s just an injury. This is a minimal thing to deal with in life compared to most people. If anything, it put things in perspective. I would like to compete, but not at the expense of my family, business, and especially my relationship with Christ.

Anyways I am back in the saddle. I am ready to finish the ride.

Our latest E-Book “Performance Zone” has dropped! Check it out now at:

==> www.mashelite.com/performancezone/
This book will help you discover all the steps necessary for “getting in the zone”, or what we call “entering the flow state”. This book will help you:

-Give you the history of flow or the zone
-Explain what is needed to get into flow or the zone
-Give you The Guide to Initiate Flow
1 Clear goals
2 Feedback
3 Skill ratio

This is definitely my favorite book that I have written. I hope that all of you enjoy reading it!

==> www.mashelite.com/performancezone/

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