American Open Tips and Thoughts! Go Time Baby!

For an awesome tool to quantify weaknesses, fix those weaknesses, control common aches and pains, and all things recovery, check out our new book “No Weaknesses. Check it out here:

The Brand New Mash Elite E-Book: “No Weaknesses”

Check out the “Mash Squat Every Day” E-Book with 4 twelve-week programs for weightlifting, powerlifting, super total, and bodybuilding. Find out more below:

>>>Mash Squat Every Day<<<

The “Mash Elite Program Sampler” is 8 of our Complete Programs that we’ve used to get our athletes jacked. All proceeds will go towards helping our team get to the American Open and take one step closer to their Olympic Dream. Check it out now:

==> Mash Elite Program Sampler

American Open Tips and Thoughts! Go Time Baby!

Junior Lifters

In four weeks Mash Mafia Weightlifting will arrive in Orlando to do battle at the 2016 American Open. I am so pumped that I am already having trouble sleeping. We have been working hard, and now it is almost game time. Our Men and Women’s Team is stacked with several contenders for Metals and some for American Records. The advancement of this team amazes me. We are truly blessed!

Besides my registered team, the Mash Mafia is bringing about 30 lifters strong to Orlando. That is the most of all-time. These athletes are from the Mash Mafia Online Team, Eat & Lift What You Want, and my Mash Mafia Barbell Affiliate Gyms. Our programs are reaching throughout the world. We have our first Olympian on the team, 58k Mattie Sasser, and she is improving already. All of this just blows me away! All that I can do is step back and thank God.

For all of you coaches out there that want to form something like this, these are my suggestions:

1. Love your athletes! This should come easy. If not, this might not be the sport or industry for you.

Adee and Hillary

2. You have to want to help people. This should be your driving force. My goal is to give a piece of me to as many people throughout the world as possible. By a piece of me, I mean some of the knowledge that I have picked up along the way in by 31-year journey.

3. Your journey to acquire knowledge must never end. When it does, it is time to retire.


For all of you athletes that are competing in your first National Meet, here are some suggestions:

1. Know exactly how many warm ups that you will be taking, and what those numbers are. On average you will take a warm up every 3 attempts. I recommend coming up with about 7 warm ups, so you will start when you are 21 attempts out. You can start mobility work, empty bar work, and general warm up activities about 30 attempts out, but your first warm up attempt will be at 21 out.

Here is an example of a lifter opening with 120k:

Warm Up 1 (21 attempts out) 50k for 1×3

Warm Up 2 (18 attempts out) 50k for 1×3

Warm Up 3 (15 attempts out) 70k for 1×2

Warm Up 4 (12 attempts out) 90k for 1×2

Warm Up 5 (9 attempts out) 100k for 1×1

Warm Up 6 (6 Attempts out) 110k for 1×1

Warm Up 7 (3 Attempts out) 115k for 1×1

One of the biggest rookie mistakes is starting your warm ups too soon or too late. Now you know!

2. Stressing about Weight for no reason! Man I hate this one. When someone comes up to me whining about being 1 kilo or less over weight with two days to go, I just want to shake my head. If you are only 1 or 2 kilos over, you are going to be fine. Here is the link to an article that I have already written about losing some quick water weight:

3. Have an Inventory List to pack your bags! Here is what you should have:

• Shoes
• Singlet
• Back Up Singlet
• Belt
• Tape
• Wraps
• Picture ID
• Birth Certificate is you are a Youth, Junior, or Master Lifter.
• USAW Card
• Favorite “I Do What I Want T-Shirt”

4. Competition Food– Personally I like to keep it simple when I am competing. Whether it is weightlifting or powerlifting, I usually take a Meal Replacement between lifts with simple fruit and juice. Whatever it is that you are used to, make sure that you have it with you.

5. Smart Opener– If you are a veteran, then you know that this is the minimum that you can always hit in training. If this is your first National Meet, drop that number by 5-10 kilos. The last thing that you want to do is bomb out at your first Nationals. For all of us East Coast folks, Nevada is a long ways to go just to bomb.

I hope that this simple article will help you guys out. I can’t wait to see you all in Reno. Feel free to come up, say hi, and introduce yourself! I love meeting all of you crazy Barbell Folks. It is a big part of my passion. See you soon!

Whether you want to lose weight, gain weight, or get jacked, check out the “Mash Eat What You Want Program” for all of your Nutrition needs. Check it out today at the link below:

==> The Mash Eat What You Want Program

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