Answers From Coach Mash

Below are the answers to the twitter questions that we couldn’t get to on Weightlifting Talk yesterday!

Beth Ritzman (@BabyEtteEtsy)

9/5/13 1:00 PM

Good question! @AttitudeNation @MashElite max out Fri…I wear myself out on the snatches and my C&J suffers. Can u explain how u coach fri?

Answer: If I see that one of my athletes have been consistently wearing themselves out on Snatches, then I will give them a one or two miss maximum or simply cut them off early. This is a great question because I see this happen a lot. That’s why it’s good to sometimes split the Snatch and Clean & Jerk up sometimes to make sure that the Clean gets enough attention.

Davin Terrell (@dterrell57)

9/5/13 11:09 AM

@MashElite which sport produces superior strength? Powerlifters or weightlifters? Just want to hear opinions?

Answer: I believe that Weightlifting produces the most functional strength without a doubt not to mention they are just mentally stronger. Great weightlifters workout 10-14 times per week compared to the typical four times per week of elite powerlifters. Weightlifters simply spend more time in the trenches, so lifters like Pyrros Dimas form unheard of strength like a 765lb Back Squat at a weight of 187 lbs. Also you have to remember that this is an A2G Squat with a little weightlifting belt if a belt was used at all. Simply put when a man or woman takes 500+ lbs of weight from the floor to above the head that is much more powerful than a man or woman lies on a bench and presses 600lbs. When you talk about functional strength, there is really no comparison.

Ricky McFarlane (@Ricky_mc90)

9/5/13 10:58 AM

@MashElite @MashElite @ryanpatrick24 for today, how many times a week would you have an athlete (football, basketball etc) squat in season

Answer: 1-2 times per week with 2 being optimal, but it all depends on how often you get the athlete. In the high school athlete world I am lucky to get them once per week, but in a perfect world I would squat them heavy early in the week and dynamically later in the week. I focus on depth and form, and it’s always cool to mix in pauses because you can go heavy without as much of a load. My goal for my in season athletes is to challenge them without maximum loads. Your main goal is always to maintain all the gains from the off-season.

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