Arnold Week (and Westside visit)

Last week was a wash when it came to my training log, so my apologies!! At the end of the previous week, I jacked up my rib and training became a little sluggish Friday and then no training on Saturday. Start of last week (Week 9), I went to the chiro and had my rib put back in it’s place and some ART done. He thinks it was a cartilage strain as well and told me to take it easy.

I just messed around on Monday of last week with some light squats and deadlifts.

Tuesday, we headed up to the compound to get ready for our trip to Columbus, OH and I got in some solid training.

2/28 Week 9 Day 2

Front Squat 1rm with 7 second pause RPE 7 – worked my way up no belt until the very last one and thought I would see how I felt. It was tender, but didn’t give me much trouble until I took the belt off. Then, it hurt something awful. Happy I was still able to work my up up to 95k/209# in the midst of it all.

Slingshot Bench w/90% of 3rm for 3 – worked my way up to that 90% and hit 175# for 3 reps.

Competition Bench Press (no SS) 83%x5 (145#), 88%x3 (155#), 90% AMAP – hit 4 reps at 158# – it is funny I didn’t feel the rib until I was really using my lower body drive and just sitting up out of the position.

*I skipped my floor press due to the rib irritation

Accessory work:

  • Banded face pulls 3×12
  • Bent over barbell rows paused 2 sec at sternum 4×5 w/ 95#
  • OH DB fat grip carries 3×20 yds forward and backward with 20# dumbbells

We headed out Wednesday to Columbus, got the booth all set up, and made a quick trip over to Westside, but no training on that day. Too late and too little food. LOL

Thursday 3/2 Day 5 

I went ahead and did my squats and deadlift from Day 5 since we were at Westside and I knew the probability of getting it in otherwise was pretty slim to none. Rib was still irritated, so I had to test out the waters and see how it felt. It felt decent, but I didn’t think I could hit the numbers prescribed to me if I started out at the beginning %. Turned out to be a good call.

Mash Method Squats 

  • Set 1 – 93% x1 rest 2 minutes 78% x5 – here is where I backed off and did 86% (275#/125k) and 71% (225#/102k) instead to start
  • Set 2 – 285#/129.5k x1 rest 2 minutes 235#/107k x5
  • Set 3 – 300#/136k x1 rest 2 minutes 250#/113.6k x5

The weight ending up feeling good, but the pressure on the rib was almost unbearable, so I was a little too slow and cautious to feel comfortable any heavier. But, I was at Westside so I had to hit that 300#, right?!?!

Deadlifts off 8″ blocks 1rm – built up to 385#/175k successfully and got 405#/184k to move, but no success on this day. It will be mine soon!! There is something special about Louie Simmons asking you if you want another plate and cheering you on as you lift it. haha!! Even as I type this, I feel the exact same way about my own coach, Travis.

Due to time, I skipped my accessory work and that was all she wrote for the rest of the Arnold trip. This gave me time to give my rib some needed rest.

We had some amazing performances on that platform from some Mash Mafia weightlifters and had a Mash Mafia powerlifter lifting on Saturday in the IPF World meet with USAPL. Proud of my whole team that competed!!!

We even got to see some of our CrossFit friends and meet some new ones!!

We made the long trip home on Sunday!! It was a great time, but we are very thankful to be back home, in our own bed, with our schedule back intact 🙂





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