Monday 1/30/17
A) Front Squat: 5×5 @ 220# B) 2 Cleans + 1 Jerk: only up to 195#. Kept missing jerks higher than that because of knot in right side of upper back. Just called it after a couple frustrating misses C) Bench Press: 4×3 @ 130#
A) Front Squat: 5×5 @ 220# B) 2 Cleans + 1 Jerk: only up to 195#. Kept missing jerks higher than that because of knot in right side of upper back. Just called it after a couple frustrating misses C) Bench Press: 4×3 @ 130#
A) Low Hang Snatch: 85×3, 105×3, 125×3, 135×3, 145×3, 155×2, 160×2 145#x2x5 B) Good Morning: 145×10, 155×10, 155×20 Talk about a back pump! C) Press: 95# x4x5
A) TnG Power Clean to a heavy double + jerk: 115#, 135, 135, 145, 155, 165, 175, 185, 195, 200, 205, 210 Felt great! B) Front Squat: 245# x 3 x 8 sets Up 5# from last week C1) Back Rack Lunge 4×6/leg 135, 145, 150, 155 C2) Pull-Ups: 8, 7, 7, 7 D) SCCF
Active recovery walk at Anne Springs Greenway! My favorite local place to walk around and take in some nature
Was pretty excited to have back squatted almost 300# for 3 reps. Haven’t back squatted that heavy for a triple in a long time. Also was pretty pumped about the hang clean and jerks! Feeling stronger every week! A) Back Squat to a heavy 3 then -10% 4×3 up to 295×3 then 265x3x5 B) Hang
Got some good snatch work in today then jumped in with the class at SCCF. Loved the push jerk work! My shoulders were working hard lol. The met con was way hard. I haven’t been doing lots of met cons lately and I forgot how much high box jumps suck for so many reps. A)