Barbell Life: Doing Life Together!

A few months ago several of my boys set me down, and presented me with the idea of a podcast called Barbell Life. The presentation included a tag line of: Fitness, Faith, Family, and F-ilosophy. My athletes at our training center get to hear my stories about life, views on family, and my journey of faith. All together it becomes my own F-ilosophy, and we wanted to let you all know how my athletes have been affected by their own life experiences.
The most important part is to be an open book. I want to share my mistakes as well as successes because if there are people out there that are going through some of the same things, I want them to know that they are not alone. My life is full of mistakes, but with the help of Christ, friends and family, I have been able to overcome. I wish someone had shared with me when I was younger. There were so many times that I felt all alone in my misery, but I wasn’t.
Our community at the Mash Mafia Compound is unique. We love each other like family. We win together, and we lose together. I want you all to be a part of that. I want the same love to be felt though out the world. Our team wants you all to be a part of us, and we want to be a part of you. I don’t know if all of that is possible, but we are going to try. I will be an open book for you all to learn from. If I can help prevent any of you from making some of the mistakes that I have made, then those same mistakes become a good thing. This is my so called F-ilosophy.
We will also be talking about all things strength: weightlifting, CrossFit, powerlifting, athletic performance, strongman, and all things barbell. We don’t want to leave any stone unturned. Hopefully you guys will be able to learn a lot of good information that you can take back to your own training or coaching. We want to talk about topics that appeal to you all. If there is a topic that you want discussed, email us at or on twitter @TheBarbellLife.
This podcast was created to help you all better your life. My goal is to help you get stronger, coach better, and live better. If I can take my mistakes and help you, then those mistakes become wins. If my pain can be your joy, then my journey through life becomes a conquest. I believe in using all things bad and good for God’s glory(Col. 3:17). Listen in at:
I am excited to go on this new journey together. When my life was falling apart in 2006, I wish that I had trusted my friends, family, and Christ with my pain. If I had shared with others, the pain would have been so much easier to live with. I want you all to know that you are not alone. We will do this thing together!

If you want to learn from me, meet me, and hang out, I will be in Eagan, MN at Undisputed Strength & Conditioning May 31st for a Meet & Greet. I will be at Gaglione Strength for a Level II Learn 2 Lift June 7th in Long Island, NY. Go to to learn more!

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