Be A Difference Maker! Open Doors!

Have you ever wondered why in the world you go through some of the things you go through in life? Why you lost that family member at such a young age? Or why people picked on you? Or why people looked to you for help in various situations?

The above are just a few specific examples of the multiplicity of experiences we have throughout our lives. And many of us have had experiences in our younger years that some people do not experience until adulthood.

Experience is what builds and develops who we are.

Let me rephrase that: Our response to experiences is what develops us into who we are today.

I want to be clear. I am writing about all life experience, not just trauma or extreme circumstances that alter one’s life. I am talking about every moment from the time an individual can cognitively understand the experience to the very last breath breathed. Each person is born with certain things built into their DNA. Character traits, predispositions to behavior, talents, and personalities are all things unique to each of us. Sure, some of us have similar traits and qualities, but we are all uniquely created. The one thing we all have in common is that we are made in the image of God.

When I was younger, people used to tell me that I have wisdom beyond my years. Others would say it differently, telling me that I am a good listener and give sound advice. Leaders in my life assured me that what I was going through at any given time was just preparation for what I would experience later in life. Now that I am older, I try to be more aware in situations where I may be able to use what has been ingrained in me to help or serve others. I have paid attention during as many of my experiences and learned as much as I could from them.

Everyone has something to share. Whether it is from a place of pain or a place of joy, each person has a story that can positively impact another individual. What we want to do through Open Doors is share our experiences and stories with a group of individuals. Our goal in this is to show them that there is purpose in experience. And as we live this truth, maybe someone who is in their circle of influence will end up benefitting from what they share.

If you want to share in this process by partnering with us, please visit where you can donate and learn more about what we are doing through Open Doors Christian Coaching.

If you want more information or to get in touch with myself, email or tweet @OpenDoorsCoach.
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