
Swede Burns on the 5th Set Methodology – The Barbell Life 230

He’s the creator of the 5th Set Methodology, and he was named Powerlifting Coach of the Year.

I can see why. He’s not only a strong lifter himself, but he’s knowledgable about programming – and most of all he has a powerful desire to help people. It’s common in the powerlifting world for coaches and lifters to be… well, terrible people. I wasn’t the nicest a lot of times when I was on my way to a world championship. But Swede is a rare breed.


So listen in to this podcast because we hit hard on something that lifters don’t think about… but it is crucial to their success. In fact, it may very well be the most important aspect of being a powerlifter. And of course we talk a ton on this podcast about programming – so get ready!
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  • The absolute best assistance exercise for the bench press
  • Why there’s really only one way to determine proper sets, reps, and percentages
  • Racking up the 2000 lb totals
  • What is the most important factor in a competitor reaching their potential
  • Why he went raw when everyone else was equipped
  • and more…

1 thought on “Swede Burns on the 5th Set Methodology – The Barbell Life 230”

  1. Absolutely amazing discussion. So many things Swede says I have found myself. I am not genetically gifted and have had to learn the hard way about over training and too much volume for myself. I now plan my training out for longer periods just as Swede says here and make better progress. Slow and steady. Thanks, this has motivated me to buy his book and implement his advice.

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