Calling all Women to Flaunt their Fitness!

Team WAG and I released the “Eat What You Want” and “Eat What You Want! Lift What You Want!” Programs about one year ago. The response has been amazing! To Check them out, click on the link below:

Eat What You Want! Lift What You Want!

Enjoy this unbelievable blog by Working Against Gravity’s own Adee Zukier:

In recent conversations with my teammates, co-workers, family, and friends I have frequently discussed this unique period of time we are in with regards to fitness. Social media, blogs, and the internet have allowed us to reach such a large (actually, HUGE) group of people and provide them with information that can empower them. This is especially true for females. We now have a platform for amazing women to flaunt their fitness and inspire hundreds, thousands, and in some cases millions!

Adee 1

With things like “Strong is the New Skinny” or “Nothing tastes as good as being strong feels” starting to make their way into the mainstream there is a unique opportunity to tell people our story, untouched by mass media. A story based not only in science, but in thousands, maybe millions of personal experiences. Carbs are not the devil, and lifting weights will not make you bulky, masculine, and unappealing to the opposite sex. We have a chance to provide women with their lives again. Allow them to forget about the “thigh gap”, pick up the barbell, and indulge in their favourite treats now and then. I want the little girls of today, who will be the women of the future, to grow up being proud of running, throwing, and lifting “like a girl”. Better yet, I want the little boys of today, who will be the men of the future, to grow up appreciating and searching for a strong, confident, and powerful woman. In my ideal future, all women will be independent and self-sufficient, mentally and physically, with a man behind them that will encourage and support their spirit. With the exception of a jar lid here and there, darn lids are so tight!

The reason I fell in love with the barbell is because of the power it made me feel. Some days it was so clear and obvious how strong I was, while on the harder days I was forced to search deep down and find strength that I didn’t know I had. As cheesy as this may sound, the barbell gave me control over my own body and eventually gave me control over my life. This is the same reason I fell in love with counting my macros. I had complete control over what was going into my body and my coach could analyze each week how that was affecting me. As an athlete this was vital to my success (Travis Mash calls this “Mastering the mundane”), as a woman this was completely refreshing.

Was my body composition changing? Was I losing weight? Was I feeling good? This information was taken into account and then macros were adjusted from there. But the macros are a skeleton. Where my carbs, fat, and protein come from is entirely up to me! Good-bye (and good riddance) to meal plans. If I want to eat ice-cream I CAN! If I want to eat a donut I CAN! And guess what? In the morning I feel not an ounce of guilt nor an extra inch on my waist, everything is under control. I learned that there is almost NO food I need to avoid. Because of this I developed a positive relationship with food that I want for every woman and man out there. No longer do I have to binge the second I see pizza. I can #eatwhatiwant. There is enough leniency in everyones macros to allow for cravings you have, just find a way to make it fit!

Whether it is weightlifting, CrossFit, bodybuilding or at home workouts the “Eat What You Want, Lift What You Want” program can help you find your inner strength, and let you eat donuts while you’re at it! Visit for more details on how you can join the revolution!

Follow me @adeezukier on Instagram for photos, videos and more updates!

Join our revolution at:

Eat What You Want! Lift What You Want!


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