Barbell Life

What the barbell has taught me about life

The Importance of Evening and Morning Routines by Paluna Santamaria

This week while training a client the topic of my “pre-bed routine” came up. I’ve changed this routine throughout the years and morphed it into what it is now. It has helped tremendously, and I thought it would be a great idea to share with you! I should note I follow it exactly 98% of the

The Importance of Evening and Morning Routines by Paluna Santamaria Read More »

Shawna Mendelson on Being a Jacked and Strong Woman – The Barbell Life 193

Shawna Mendelson is pretty amazing. She has dominated in powerlifting, rocked the Highland Games, stood on the bodybuilding stage multiple times, and operated a successful barbell club for years. She’s a boss in so many areas, and she shows that women can be jacked and strong. [thrive_leads id=’8753′] On top of all that, she’s been

Shawna Mendelson on Being a Jacked and Strong Woman – The Barbell Life 193 Read More »

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