
Why Strength Athletes Should Condition by Crystal McCullough

My own athletes have questioned the reasoning behind why I add conditioning to their programs. “I’m a strength athlete, why do I need conditioning?” “Will doing GPP affect my strength?” Eric Bowman wrote a great article about heart health and how it relates to the strength athlete. His focus was mainly on bigger athletes, and […]

Why Strength Athletes Should Condition by Crystal McCullough Read More »

The Most Important Muscle for Longevity in Strength Athletes… and How to Optimally Build It by Eric Bowman

Thanks to the efforts of strength coaches such as Alex Viada, Travis Mash, and Brandon Lilly, we’re seeing a shift in the strength sports community. We’ve moved from the stereotypical “fat guy with a big gut who eats three Big Macs every meal” to a leaner, fitter, healthier strength athlete. As someone who used to

The Most Important Muscle for Longevity in Strength Athletes… and How to Optimally Build It by Eric Bowman Read More »

Dr. Stuart McGill on Stiffness and Neurological Strength

Get ready for some more knowledge bombs from Dr. Stuart McGill. If you haven’t had a chance to check out the previous wisdom from Dr. McGill – go listen to what he said about finding the perfect footwear, focal point, and athlete cues in the deadlift. I am so grateful and honored that Dr. Stuart

Dr. Stuart McGill on Stiffness and Neurological Strength Read More »

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