Coach Mash Get Fit and Jacked Plan: The Latest FREE 10-week Program

For an awesome tool to quantify weaknesses, fix those weaknesses, control common aches and pains, and all things recover, check out our new book “No Weaknesses. Check it out here:

The Brand New Mash Elite E-Book: “No Weaknesses”

Check out the “Mash Squat Every Day” E-Book with 4 twelve week programs for weightlifting, powerlifting, super total, and bodybuilding. Find out more below:

>>>Mash Squat Every Day<<<

“Coach Mash Get Fit and Jacked Plan”
The Latest FREE 10-Week Program

I have a confession to make. I am almost embarrassed to tell all of you what I am about to tell you. However, I like being transparent with all of you. I want all of you to know that I am human too, and then I want to teach all of you what I do at these moments.

A week ago I was sick of training. Specifically I was bored of the same old thing. I have lifted heavy weights my entire life. All I know is to lift heavier and heavier, and truthfully I am just over it. I am bored with it. I mean what am I going to do? Win the world championships again? Why? I have no answer to that question anymore.

Here’s what I know. I want to be in shape to play with my children. My newest son is due the first week in December. I will be 43-years-old. When he is 18-years-old, I will be 65. I want to be around for him and his children. I don’t just want to exist. I want to be able to hike, train, and play basketball with all of my children and their children.

I want to inspire all of you. I want to show you that anything is possible with a solid plan. God has blessed me with a life filled with the knowledge of fitness and the barbell. I want to continue to teach all of you. I want to encourage people my age to get off the couch, move around, and continue to get better.

The moment you stop trying to get better; you then start dying. At least that’s my philosophy. I am not just talking about fitness. I am talking about spiritually and mentally as well. I am talking about being a better husband, father, friend, and coach. You are either getting better or worse. No one ever stays the same.

Here are my physical goals:

Travis’s Goals:

5k in fewer than 25 minutes

Squat 550lb
Bench 350
Deadlift 600
Strict Press 235lb
Snatch 120k
Clean & Jerk 150k

Vertical Leap 32″

Weigh 94k

The 5k is to demonstrate that I have s reasonable amount of work capacity. I weigh 101k/222lb right now, so my first goal is to weigh in at 94k/207lb. That’s a 15lb loss, so not that much. At that point I will check my body fat percentage and decide what to do next. If I am below 10%, then I will stop. If I am about 10%, I will keep going. I am using our own nutrition plan: Eat What You Want. It’s a flexible diet plan, but I am going to work on keeping my nutrition nutrient dense and healthy. I am going to stay away from gluten for the most part, just to see what happens.

The 32” vertical is to show that my athletic performance is reasonable. The strength goals are not that hard for me, but I will be losing weight. The weight loss and fitness is more important, but I still want to be somewhat strong.

The program that I am going to run is a hybrid between Olympic weightlifting and powerlifting. I am also adding accessory work to target my specific weaknesses. I used the muscular balance test from my E-Book “No Weaknesses”. However some of the bodybuilding movements are there to simply get jacked and for no other reason. Guys I still have to impress my wife.

I have included elements from Westside as usual especially the box squats. As always the workout is conjugate in nature, so that alone is Westside. We ordered a belt squat machine, so I will be adding that in when it arrives.

I am rolling out the plan to all of you. I am including the strength workout. I am also giving you guys the cardiovascular plan that I will be using for the 5k (definitely inspired by Alex Viada), and the work capacity plan as well. All the days are labeled, so you can see how I am going to put it all together.

Here is the plan:

Week 1
Day 1
Snatch from Blocks 3RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 2×3
Front Squat 3RM (Paused with 3 deep breaths)
Back Squat 5RM, -10% for 5+
Unilateral Farmers Walk 3 x 25 yd per arm
Lunges 100 yd

Day 2
Bench Press 5RM (1st two reps paused 3sec 2″ off Chest), then -10% 2×5 no pauses last set 5+
Closegrip Floor Presses 3 x 8 with 25-50lb of chains
Pull-Ups 3 x submaximal
Seated DB Cleans 3 x 12

Day 3
Wide Box Squat 5×5 with Green Bands (use 67% total bands and bar weight)
Sumo Deadlift 5RM, then -10% for 5
Unilateral DRLs 3 x 8ea leg
Band Leg Curls 3 x 15

Day 5
Clean & Jerk from Blocks 3RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 2×3
Standing Press 10RM, then -10% for 2 x 10
Dips 3 x submaximal
Bentover Rows 3 x 10

Week 2
Day 1
Snatch from Blocks 3RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 2×3
Front Squat 3RM (Paused with 2 deep breaths)
Back Squat 5RM, -10% for 5+
Unilateral Farmers Walk 3 x 25 yd per arm
Lunges 100 yd (advance with either yardage of weight)

Day 2
Bench Press 5RM (1st two reps paused 3sec 2″ off Chest), then -10% 2×5 no pauses last set 5+
Closegrip Floor Presses 3 x 8 with 25-50lb of chains
Pull-Ups 3 x submaximal
Seated DB Cleans 3 x 12

Day 3
Wide Box Squat 5×5 with Green Bands (use 73% total bands and bar weight)
Sumo Deadlift 5RM, then -10% for 5
Unilateral DRLs 3 x 8ea leg
Band Leg Curls 3 x 15

Day 5
Clean & Jerk from Blocks 3RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 2×3
Standing Press 10RM, then -10% for 2 x 10
Dips 3 x submaximal
Bentover Rows 3 x 10

Week 3
Day 1
Snatch from Blocks 3RM (9 RPE), then -10% for 2×3
Front Squat 3RM (Paused with 1 deep breath)
Back Squat 5RM, -10% for 5+
Unilateral Farmers Walk 3 x 25 yd per arm
Lunges 100 yd (advance with either yardage of weight)

Day 2
Bench Press 5RM (1st two reps paused 3sec on Chest), then -10% 2×5 no pauses last set 5+
Closegrip Floor Presses 3 x 8 with 25-50lb of chains
Pull-Ups 3 x submaximal
Seated DB Cleans 3 x 12

Day 3
Wide Box Squat 5×5 with Green Bands (use 77% total bands and bar weight)
Sumo Deadlift 5RM, then -10% for 5
Unilateral DRLs 3 x 8ea leg
Band Leg Curls 3 x 15

Day 5
Clean & Jerk from Blocks 3RM (9 RPE), then -10% for 2×3
Standing Press 8RM, then -10% for 2 x 8
Dips 3 x submaximal
Bentover Rows 3 x 10

Week 4
Day 1
Snatch 2RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 2×2
Front Squat 2RM (Paused with 3 deep breaths)
Back Squat 3RM, then -10% for 3, and -10% for 3+
Farmers Walk 3 x 25 yd
Lunges 150 yd

Day 2
Bench Press 3RM (1st rep paused 3sec 2″ off Chest), then -10% 2×3 no pauses last set 3+
Closegrip Floor Presses 4 x 5 with 25-50lb of chains
Pull-Ups 4 x submaximal
Plate Lateral Raises 3 x 12
KB Upright Rows 3 x 10

Day 3
Wide Box Squat 6×3 with Green Bands & Chains (use 75% total bands, chains & bar weight) work up after 1st 4 sets
Sumo Deadlift 3RM, then -10% for 2×3
Unilateral DRLs 4 x 5ea leg
GHDs 3 x 8

Day 5
Clean & Jerk 2RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 2×2
Standing Press 5RM, then -10% for 2 x 5 (last set 5+)
Dips 3 x submaximal
Bentover Rows 4 x 5
Axle Bar Curls 3 x 10

Week 5
Day 1
Snatch 2RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 2×2
Front Squat 2RM (Paused with 2 deep breaths)
Back Squat 3RM, then -10% for 3, and -10% for 3+
Farmers Walk 4 x 25 yd
Lunges 150 yd

Day 2
Bench Press 3RM (1st rep paused 3sec on Chest), then -10% 2×3 no pauses last set 3+
Closegrip Floor Presses 4 x 5 with 25-50lb of chains
Pull-Ups 4 x submaximal
Plate Lateral Raises 3 x 12
KB Upright Rows 3 x 10

Day 3
Wide Box Squat 6×3 with Green Bands & Chains (use 80% total bands, chains & bar weight) work up after 1st 4 sets
Sumo Deadlift 3RM, then -10% for 2×3
Unilateral DRLs 4 x 5ea leg
GHDs 3 x 8

Day 5
Clean & Jerk 2RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 2×2
Standing Press 5RM, then -10% for 2 x 5 (last set 5+)
Dips 3 x submaximal
Bentover Rows 4 x 5
Axle Bar Curls 3 x 10

Week 6
Day 1
Snatch 2RM (9 RPE), then -10% for 2×2
Front Squat 2RM (Paused with 1 deep breaths)
Back Squat 3RM, then -10% for 3, and -10% for 3+
Farmers Walk 4 x 25 yd
Lunges 150 yd

Day 2
Bench Press 3RM (1st rep paused 1 sec on Chest), then -10% 2×3 no pauses last set 3+
Closegrip Floor Presses 4 x 5 with 25-50lb of chains
Pull-Ups 4 x submaximal
Plate Lateral Raises 3 x 12
KB Upright Rows 3 x 10

Day 3
Wide Box Squat 6×3 with Green Bands & Chains (use 85% total bands, chains & bar weight) work up after 1st 4 sets
Sumo Deadlift 3RM, then -10% for 2×3
Unilateral DRLs 4 x 5ea leg
GHDs 3 x 8

Day 5
Clean & Jerk 2RM (9 RPE), then -10% for 2×2
Standing Press 5RM, then -10% for 2 x 5 (last set 5+)
Dips 3 x submaximal
Bentover Rows 4 x 5
Axle Bar Curls 3 x 10

Week 7
Day 1
Snatch 1RM (8 RPE), then -15% for 2×2
Front Squat 1RM (Paused with 2 deep breaths)
Back Squat 1RM(2 sec Pause), then -15% for 3, and -15% for 3+
Deadlifts 70% for 10 x 1 Paused 2″ off ground and at knees
Lunges 200 yd

Day 2
Bench Press 1RM (paused 3sec on Chest), then -15% 2×3 no pauses last set 3+
DB Tricep Extensions 6 x 8
Pull-Ups 5 x submaximal
DB Clean & Press Strict 3 x 10

Day 3
Wide Box Squat 5×5 with 50-100lb of Chains (use 65% total chains & bar weight)
Conventional Deadlifts Off 4″ Blocks 3RM
RDLs from 2″ Deficit 4 x 6
DB Leg Curls 2 x 8
Band Leg Curls 2 x 8

Day 5
Clean & Jerk 1RM (8 RPE), then -15% for 2×2
Standing Press 3RM, then -10% for 2 x 3 (last set 3+)
Band Pushdowns 3 x 15
Seated Rows 3 x 10
Axle Bar Curls 4 x 6

Week 8
Day 1
Snatch 1RM (9-10 RPE)
Front Squat 1RM (Paused with 1 deep breath)
Back Squat 1RM
Deadlifts 70% for 12 x 1
Lunges off

Day 2
Bench Press 1RM (paused 1 sec on Chest), then -15% 2×3 no pauses last set 3+
DB Tricep Extensions 8 x 8
Pull-Ups 3 x submaximal
DB Clean & Press Strict 3 x 10

Day 3
Wide Box Squat 5×5 with 50-100lb of Chains (use 70% total chains & bar weight)
Conventional Deadlifts 1RM
RDLs from 2″ Deficit 4 x 6
DB Leg Curls 2 x 8

Day 5
Clean & Jerk 1RM (9-10 RPE)
Standing Press 1RM, then -15% for 2 x 3 (last set 3+)
Band Pushdowns 3 x 15
Seated Rows 3 x 10
Axle Bar Curls 4 x 6

Week 9
Day 1
Snatch 1RM (9-10 RPE)
Front Squat 1RM
Back Squat Work up to 90% for 2×1
Deadlifts 70% for 6 x 1
Lunges off

Day 2
Bench Press 1RM (paused 1 sec on Chest), then -15% 3+ no pauses
DB Tricep Extensions 4 x 8
Pull-Ups 3 x submaximal
DB Clean & Press Strict 2 x 10

Day 3
Wide Box Squat 5×5 with 50-100lb of Chains (use 60% total chains & bar weight)
Conventional Deadlifts Work up to Opener
RDLs from 2″ Deficit 4 x 6

Day 5
Clean & Jerk 1RM (9-10 RPE)
Standing Press 1RM, then -15% for 3+
Band Pushdowns 3 x 15
Seated Rows 3 x 10
Axle Bar Curls 4 x 6

Week 10
Day 1
Snatch Work Up to Opener
Clean & Jerk Work up to last Warm Up
Back Squat Work Up to 85% for 2 x 1

Day 2
Bench Press Work Up to 85% for 2 x 1
Tricep Extensions 3 x 10
Rows 3 x 10

Day 3
Front Squat Work up to 80% 2 x 1
Deadlift Work up to 80% 2 x 1

Day 4
Snatch Max
Clean & Jerk Max

Day 5
Back Squat Max
Bench Press Max
Deadlift Max

Cardiovascular Plan:

Week 1-4 week 1
Day 1 Aeodayne or Row Sprints 2 min warm up
45 sec on and 60 sec off x 8
5 min cool down

Day 2 off off

Day 3 off off

Day 4 Recovery Row 10-15 minute recovery row
Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR

Day 5 off off

Day 6 Tempo Run 5 minute warm up
1 mile at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Day 7 Long Slow Run 3 mile run
Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR
with a 5 minute warm up & cool down

Week 1-4 week 2
Day 1 Aeodayne or Row Sprints 2 min warm up
50 sec on and 60 sec off x 8
5 min cool down

Day 2 off off

Day 3 off off

Day 4 Recovery Row 10-15 minute recovery row
Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR

Day 5 off off

Day 6 Tempo Run 5 minute warm up
2 mile at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Day 7 Long Slow Run 4 mile run
Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR
with a 5 minute warm up & cool down

Week 1-4 week 3
Day 1 Aeodayne or Row Sprints 2 min warm up
55 sec on and 60 sec off x 8
5 min cool down

Day 2 off off

Day 3 off off

Day 4 Recovery Row 15-20 minute recovery row
Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR

Day 5 off off

Day 6 Tempo Run 5 minute warm up
3 mile at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Day 7 Long Slow Run 5 mile run
Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR
with a 5 minute warm up & cool down
Week 1-4 week 4
Day 1 Aeodayne or Row Sprints 2 min warm up
60 sec on and 60 sec off x 6
5 min cool down

Day 2 off off

Day 3 off off

Day 4 Recovery Row 10-15 minute recovery row
Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR

Day 5 off off

Day 6 Tempo Run 5 minute warm up
2 mile at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Day 7 Long Slow Run 4 mile run
Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR
with a 5 minute warm up & cool down

Week 5-8 week 5
Day 1 Aeodayne or Row Sprints 2 min warm up
50 sec on and 60 sec off x 8
5 min cool down

Day 2 off off

Day 3 off off

Day 4 Recovery Row 15-20 minute recovery row
Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR

Day 5 off off

Day 6 Tempo Run 5 minute warm up
1.5 mile at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Day 7 Long Slow Run 4 mile run
Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR
with a 5 minute warm up & cool down

Week 5-8 week 6
Day 1 Aeodayne or Row Sprints 2 min warm up
55 sec on and 60 sec off x 9
5 min cool down

Day 2 off off

Day 3 off off

Day 4 Recovery Row 15-20 minute recovery row
Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR

Day 5 off off

Day 6 Tempo Run 5 minute warm up
2.5 mile at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Day 7 Long Slow Run 5 mile run
Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR
with a 5 minute warm up & cool down
Week 5-8 week 7
Day 1 Aeodayne or Row Sprints 2 min warm up
60 sec on and 55 sec off x 10
5 min cool down

Day 2 off off

Day 3 off off

Day 4 Recovery Row 15-20 minute recovery row
Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR

Day 5 off off

Day 6 Tempo Run 5 minute warm up
3.5 mile at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Day 7 Long Slow Run 6 mile run
Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR
with a 5 minute warm up & cool down
Week 5-8 week 8
Day 1 Aeodayne or Row Sprints 2 min warm up
60 sec on and 60 sec off x 6
5 min cool down

Day 2 off off

Day 3 off off

Day 4 Recovery Row 15-20 minute recovery row
Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR

Day 5 off off

Day 6 Tempo Run 5 minute warm up
2.5 mile at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Day 7 Long Slow Run 4 mile run
Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR
with a 5 minute warm up & cool down

Week 9-10 week 9
Day 1 Aeodayne or Row Sprints 2 min warm up
60 sec on and 50 sec off x 10
5 min cool down

Day 2 off off

Day 3 off off

Day 4 Recovery Row 20-25 minute recovery row
Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR

Day 5 off off

Day 6 Tempo Run 5 minute warm up
4 mile at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Day 7 Long Slow Run 7 mile run
Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR
with a 5 minute warm up & cool down
Week 9-10 week 10
Day 1 Aeodayne or Row Sprints 2 min warm up
60 sec on and 60 sec off x 6
5 min cool down

Day 2 off off

Day 3 off off

Day 4 Recovery Row 10-15 minute recovery row
Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR

Day 5 off off

Day 6 Tempo Run 5 minute warm up
2 mile at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Day 7 Long Slow Run 5K Race

Work Capacity Plan:

Day 3
Prowler Work
Start with a Plate and a 25lb plate on each handle
Push it high 25 yards, then take the 25’s off and Push it low 25 Yards
4 Sets of each
each week add a 25, push it farther, increase a set, or go faster

Day 5
Sled Drags
70lb Forwards 25 yards x 4
70lbs Backwards 25 yards x 4
70lb Forwards Walk and Press 10 Reps x 2 sets
70lb Forwards Walk and Row 10 Reps x 2 sets

each week add 10-25lbs, increase distance 5 yards, go faster, increase reps, or increase a set

Good-luck and I hope you enjoy it! I will be checking in week to week to give my results and any modifications.

Whether you want to lose weight, gain weight, or get jacked, check out the “Mash Eat What You Want Program” for all of your Nutrition needs. Check it out today at the link below:

==> The Mash Eat What You Want Program

Join Team Mash Mafia for weightlifting, powerlifting, athletic performance, bodybuilding, running, or a hybrid approach. This team is already taking over weightlifting, and I plan on taking over all of the other disciplines one at a time. Check it out below:

>>>Team Mash Mafia<<<

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