Dan Mason Story

My story with Attitude Nation

I always enjoyed the barbell in my free time when I could, but as you become an “adult” lots of priorities get switched around. When I started listening to Weightlifting Talk I was doing CrossFit in my garage with a buddy that worked with me on 3rd shift at the jail. I loved the show and that was back in the Shankle and North days. Time passed by and I kept training and started up the corporate grind as an investment banker at an independent firm and then at a bank. While I was slaving away for the man I had been gaining training partners in my garage to the point that the neigbors started to complain. So I rented a warehouse and CrossFit Thrive was born. I continued to work full time at a high pressure job and put about 30 hours a week into the gym all while trying to still be around for my wife and kids. Something had to give. I remember listening to you guys talking about taking the plunge and being 100% commited to what you actually want to do. “Love your life or Change it” So after a really stressful couple of years I was really thinking about taking a 75% pay cut to really see if this gym thing could work.

Then it happened one fateful day I was getting chewed out by one of our wealth management clients and I had enough. It was a situation where my hands were tied and couldn’t help them even if I wanted to.”I’ve tried to work this from every angle. What the f#*k do you want me to do?” Long story short they didn’t appreciate my attitude and I got canned. (Life lesson: Try not to piss off millionaires unless you are one) Had it been a few years ago I would have found another corporate gig to jump onto and start the climb over again. Thanks to you guys though I have been able to work the job I want to for the past year, grow the business, train like a mother trucker, and compete in Strongman, CrossFit, and on 8/30/14 we can add powerlifting and weightlifting ot that mix.

So all in all. Because of the black sheep lifestyle I own an awesome gym, a kick ass apparel company (BeRelentlessApparel.com) and I even get to see my family.

I couldn’t have done it without the influence of the Attitude Nation

Train Hard
Never Surrender
Be Relentless


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