Death Weightlifting Volume!


Day 2
OH Squats 3x5reps start with highest 5 reps completed last week.
Jerks Max 1, 83/2 x 2
Bench 3x5reps start with 80%+10lbs
Bentover Rows 10RM then -5% and -10%

Met Con
4 Rounds for Time:
Thrusters/10 115/85lbs
GHDs hold 10lb plate/10
Jump Rope Double Unders 25

Interesting how the high volume is affecting the MashMafia Athletes on an individual basis. All of them improved this week over last, but some improved more than others. This is where, as a coach, I decide a few things:

1. I make a few alterations to each person individually.

2. Encourage my athletes to push on, and I remind them that this phase is meant to beat them down.

3. I take notes on each athlete throughout the different phases, so that I can individualize their future programs even more.

We are all excited that this week is the worst of all. Next week we will keep the intensity high, but the volume will drop off. As my friend Coach Kenn would say “Deload to reload”! Next week the complexes will change to look more like the traditional lifts. By “more traditional”, I mean that there will be less pulls and squats. All in all, I would say that this cycle is starting out better than all my previous ones. Here are some things that I have noticed from all of the athletes:

1. All have PRed in the complexes.

2. All have increased total volume in the 5×5 squats.

Here is a video of Brealon killing a 103k/226lb Snatch Complex! Remember his max was 100k/220lbs before this training cycle:

These are my only two concerns right now. I know that soon they should start to breakdown, but if I have planned correctly, the volume will drop at that precise moment allowing the body to recover and get stronger. For anyone following this programming, here are a few keys to surviving this high volume phase:

1. Lots of Sleep 8-10 Hours!

2. Lots of Water to stay hydrated!

3. Up the calories, but focus on non-inflammatory foods!

4. Soft Tissue Work! A.R.T., Graston, Chiropractic, Massage, Lacrosse Balls, Voodoo Bands, PVC Pipes, Foam Rollers, Jump Stretch Band Work, Etc.

5. Active Recovery! Light Sled Pulling, empty bar complexes, body weight squats, etc.

I’m excited about a bust November for “Learn 2 Lift” Seminars. I have a seminar Nov. 9th in Wilkesboro, NC at CrossFit Wilkesboro,
and one in Long Island Nov. 23rd at Gaglione Strength. We are also finalizing dates for CrossFits and Gyms in: New Jersey, Richmond, Miami, and Pennsylvania, so stay tuned for updates.

To learn more about programming and performance of the five Barbell movements (Snatch, Clean & Jerk, Squat, Bench, and Deadlift), check out one of our “Learn 2 Lift” Seminars. For more information, go to:

To receive information about hosting a seminar at your facility, email me at:

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