
My friend Sam Holmes, President of Open Doors, wrote this short blog on Sunday. As most of you know by now, my friend Lisa G went to be with Jesus Monday afternoon. This week, I have reflected a lot on the topic of destiny. Lisa G influenced me greatly, but because of my podcast Weightlifting Talk, Lisa inspired the world. Her legacy will now live forever because Jon North invited me to be a part of the show.

As you make your way through this journey that we call life, ask yourself how your actions and decisions might be influencing others. Are you bringing God glory, or are you causing people to be turned away? It really hit home today when I found out that Drew and I are having a Baby Boy Mash. I want him to see his father loving Christ, loving his wife, and loving others. If I do that thing alone, my job here on earth is complete.

Enjoy this short blog!


Someone who has had a great impact on my life and marriage recently said that destiny is not just something that belongs to one individual; instead, our destinies are all tied together. We all impact each other’s destinies because of our relationships. We are all connected.

Stop and think about that. You and I have interconnected destinies. How? Well, hopefully what I write somehow connects with what you believe about life, and if I connect with you enough- it might change your decision making process or influence how you think about something, which could change your life. So we are connected; we affect one another’s destinies.

Every decision I make impacts my destiny. I’m spending more time now considering that my decisions (or indecision) impacts the destinies of others as well.

This is a heavy thing to process. There is really good news though. If I live in right relationship with the Savior and allow the Holy Spirit to direct my steps and my words, I don’t need to fear this truth. Rather, I should embrace it.

As Open Doors Christian Coaching has begun to unfold, I have developed relationships with other leaders in the community and will eventually develop many relationships with young people as well. Each moment with these people is important. Every discussion. Why? Because it is all a part of God’s grand design. It is all a part of his will for my life and for all the lives of the people I encounter.

Open Doors isn’t just about helping change lives, it’s about changing the way people view life in general. My hope is that as people encounter myself or Travis or anyone who is involved with Open Doors, that they will be encountering Jesus Christ. Because Jesus is who we live for and why we do what we do.

We are all connected- at specific times for a specific purpose- by God. He knows what he is doing. It is our responsibility to look for his activity and jump on board. Sometimes all it takes is listening to a friend. Sometimes it takes a giant leap of faith.

Either way, we all must decide how we will choose to live in all the moments God provides for us each day. Because every moment matters.

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Destiny 2014.

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