Falling in Love All Over Again! (With Training) #GridStyle

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Falling in Love All Over Again! (With Training) #GridStyle

Will an Paul

I have been performing my #GridStyle Programming, since December 15th of this past year. That’s eleven weeks that I have been training hard again. I haven’t truly loved training, since around 2004. After I broke my first world record, the love was gone. After that, all I could think about was breaking more records. I forgot the reason that I started the whole thing.

Not any more! I started training because I loved seeing changes in my body and my performance. I loved being strong, and I loved being healthy. My desire to dominate the strength world clouded my initial vision. #GridStyle has parted the clouds, and allowed the sun to shine once again.

Today I power cleaned, bench pressed, clean & pressed, performed pull-ups, ring dips, and hit an arm session. Yes, I caught a massive pump because it’s fun. After the testosterone cloud cleared, I hit a PR on the Rower with 300m Sprint Intervals. Basically I performed all the things that I love, and then I rowed for Rock, Bailey, and Drew. Believe it or not, I actually love my cardio sessions now. It took about six weeks or throwing up and asthma attacks before my heart and lungs surrendered. I feel so much younger!

Tonight I rushed home to pick up my 5-month year-old Rock, so that I could show him and his mother the beautiful sky. I was full of energy and excitement. I have three goals for my training now: glorify God, inspire others, and to get in shape for my family. After the checking out the night sky, I spent two hours playing in the floor with my son. It’s all thanks to #GridStyle, and my amazing partners pushing me to get better. I almost quit so many times, but Drew, Chuck, Cooper, Will, and Paul wouldn’t let me.

Don’t think that the cardio and gymnastics is affecting the gainz! They are not at all. I haven’t been this strong in a long time. I feel totally capable of a mid-700 Squat and Deadlift as well as a 400+ Bench Press. A 1900+ total at 220 lbs. will put me right back in the mix, and then the chase will begin. Personally I have always enjoyed tracking down the top instead of trying to hold on. I have Snatched 124k/274lb and Clean & Jerked 160k/352lb now, and I haven’t really focused on either of them very much. I also Jerked 182k/400lb off the blocks, which was the most that I have hit in over 10 years.

Travis Deadlift

I have also set PRs in Pull-ups, Ring Dips, Toes 2 Bar, Farmer’s Carry, and Shoulder to Overhead. I have box jumped, performed burpees, sprints, DB Snatch, and a 20 rep Front Squat. I never know what my training will throw at me. I have done all of this, while loving on my family, coaching about 500 people, and running 3 businesses.

Thanks to friends like Mike Bledsoe, Zach Even-Esh and Chris Moore, I have learned about prioritizing, balance, and organization. These are the three areas of my life that I will focus on the rest of the year. They are the keys to my success and happiness. Of course, if Christ isn’t number one, all of this is for nothing. My strength friends like Spencer Arnold and Sam Dancer are showing me by their examples how to walk the path.


The Grid didn’t work out for me this year, but I am so thankful that Paul Klein and Ken Crowder reached out to me. They have helped transform me. They have given my strength and fitness back to me. Now I feel that I will never let it go again. It is a part of my life again. Now I have reasons to stay in shape for life that are bigger than me. I want to inspire the world, especially the 35+ year-old crowd, to get off the couch, in the gym, and into the best shape of their lives.

Now my goal is to teach you all to get stronger, in better shape, and to do it all while having a blast. The key is to focus on the aspects of training that are the most fun for you. Then teach you how to mix in conditioning that is fitting for your body type. All the while, teaching you how to eliminate any weaknesses in the overall body. Of course, I want you all to challenge yourselves to learn new movements and exercises, but more importantly, let’s have fun. This is the recipe that has gotten my into the best overall shape of my life at 41-years-old.

The #GridStyle Team starts today. If you want to maximize your strengths, while destroying your weaknesses, click on the link below to find out more:

#GridStyle Team is Here

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