Jay Ferruggia on Growth – The Barbell Life 213

If you’ve been around strength and the internet long enough, I’m positive you’ve heard of Jay Ferruggia. This guy has been in the game for a long, long time.

Jay could teach you about gaining muscle, getting strong, mastering nutrition, killing it as a personal trainer, building a successful gym, creating an online fitness powerhouse… you get it.

But what he’s really passionate about is something hardly anyone else talks about – just simply being an awesome person. Having confidence, getting rid of bitterness, building relationships, taking risks, and living a fulfilling and exciting life.

So give this one a listen. It might not be like many of our other podcasts, but I promise you that you’ll walk away with some new insight.

One area we talk about is the power of community. Jay is very intentional about surrounding himself with people who will build him up instead of keeping him down. That’s what’s great about this fitness industry. I don’t think there’s any other industry where people take care of each other like they do in fitness. Even competitors are barbell brothers. I was reminded of that recently as we’ve been raising support for Coach Don McCauley during this health crisis.

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  • His simple and powerful Instagram strategy that no one else is using
  • Advice to gym owners (why you need to say NO to your customers)
  • Working with Major League baseball teams
  • How he “invented” group training
  • Almost dying from tuberculosis (and how it was the best thing for his fitness business)
  • and more…
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