
Following Your Life’s Passion with Hunter Charneski – The Barbell Life 383

You guys are going to learn and get inspired by today’s podcast with author and coach, Hunter Charneski. I know that I left the conversation motivated to follow my passion in life. Hunter is the founder of the Artistic Warrior, a very successful course and mentorship for men seeking to unlock the desire to make their passion into profit. Honestly, it’s the first course or mentorship that interested me personally. Why?

Hunter wanted to support himself with his writing and desire to help others, and he pulled up his pants, tightened his belt, and did just that. He didn’t take the easy way. He took the way of his heart. Who is not inspired by someone that has actually done the thing that we all dream of?

So, pour yourself some coffee, find your happy place, and listen in to learn:

  • What does it take to follow your passion? I am talking step by step and not some losing
    venture that a lot of dreamers might make.
  • What are some daily habits that will get you closer to the goal line?
  • What does sprinting at 230 pounds have to do with success in life?
  • How does one train for sprinting after 30-years-old? Weights? Plyometrics?
  • What does sport have to do with life and success?
  • Get motivated by Hunter’s philosophy that he has gathered from many amazing people
    before him.
  • Much more!

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