Friday – March 10th, 2017

Week 14 Post ankle surgey.

Guys, I’m still jacked up from yesterday’s Max Out Friday. I forgot how much fun it is. Of course my EMOM’s at 80% turned into me getting caught up in the hype and going heavy anyways. It’s almost impossible not to, and coach Don approved. Most of the team is back, and we’re all getting ready to start our grind leading up to Nationals. These next 9 weeks are going to be killer.

Couple of highlights from Yesterday.

  • Sara Johnson with a PR clean and jerk of 117kgs and a PR clean of 120kg/264lbs! That’s a big mental barrier crushed for her. She’s strong as an ox, but is still learning how to move fast.
  • Bryan Simone with a 5kg snatch PR of 135kgs! Closing in on that big 300# mark.
  • John Stang with a PR clean and jerk of 155kgs. That’s HUGE for a 62kg weightlifter. He gets better and better each week.

A bunch of those big weights were being thrown around, but those were the three that really stuck out.

Here’s what I did.

  • Snatch – 55 2×3, 60 2×3, 65 2×1, 70 3×1, 75 2×1, 78 x1, 80 x1 and 83×1 which is 5kgs more than I’ve done since my surgery
  • Clean and jerk – 75 2×1, 80 x1, 85 x1, 90 x1, 95 x1, 100 x1, 103 x1 which is also a comeback PR
  • Kang Squats – up to 3×5 at 60kgs

A 186 total on my 1st heavy day back since surgery. I’m super stoked for this, and may have to up the goals that I set for myself at nationals. Ankle feels great and the mobility is slowly improving. Now to get these legs strong.

Bodyweight: 61.1 kg

9 weeks out. Lets GO!


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