Give Things Away for Free to Grow Your Business

I am at CrossFit Whitby in Whitby, Ontario this weekend for another Learn 2 Lift Seminar. To find one near you, click on the link below:

Mash Mafia Learn 2 Lift Seminars

To find out about hosting one, email me at

Growing Your Business

People are always telling me that I give way too much away for free. When they tell me that, I know that they are either rookies or failures in the strength and conditioning world. Most of the successful people in this industry are known to be super liberal with their information. I have found that the more I give away, the more people buy from my site.

The same applies whether you are an online company or a gym/box. When I started my strength and conditioning company, Mash Elite Performance, I practiced the same principle. I was known in my area for hosting Free Seminars every month. I would pick a different topic each and every month like nutrition, vertical leap, speed, or explosive strength. This principle helped me grow from a 400 square foot facility in the back of another gym to a 4000 Square Foot facility grossing over $350,000 in less than a year.

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I don’t throw numbers out to brag. There are tons of gyms that gross more than mine did, but it’s hard to do that in only 4000 square feet. I did this by becoming the expert in the area. I invited coaches, parents, athletes, and even other coaches that wanted to learn. I was the go to guy for strength and conditioning knowledge in the Winston-Salem area.

Here is what you have to do. First as a coach you have to pick your niche’ and own it. Is it strength and conditioning, weightlifting, powerlifting, competitive CrossFit, or general fitness? You have to figure out what you are passionate about, experienced in, and confident in. Then you have to work harder than anyone else at soaking up all the information on that topic.

Next you have to master social media. If you are against this, then you are at a distinct disadvantage. That is a simply fact. I choose to focus on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and my Blog. You could start with growing your Facebook Page. I recommend using a Business Page. I recommend adding daily tips on your niche’. A business page is awesome because you can pay to grow it, and you can target people in your zip code and people with interests that apply to your niche’.

When you pick a date for your first Free Seminar, make an Event on Facebook. Then I recommend that you invite all the people that might be interested to the event. Next you can publicize it on your Facebook Page. If you want, you can boost the post to get the Event to more people. I recommend that you publicize the Event on all forms of your Social Media. You should have a call to action on the Event like “Call to save the date with spots limited to X”.

I also developed a database of coaches that I thought might work with me. I targeted running groups, soccer travel teams, baseball travel teams, and some high schools. The travel teams were great because many of them didn’t have strength coaches. The Free Seminar gave me a great excuse to call them up and request 5 minutes to stop by and explain what I was doing. Whether they came to the seminar or not, I was able to speak to them on the phone and many times in person. When you give stuff away for Free, people feel compelled to talk with you. Maybe they wouldn’t come the first time, but month after month of Free Seminar invites added up. Eventually almost all of them made one of my Free Seminars.

If you want to be successful in the strength and conditioning/gym world, you have to be a lot more than just a good coach. You might be the best coach in the world, but if no one knows it, then you are just a broke coach. Get out there and let people know that you are the expert by putting on the best Free Seminars in your area. Make sure that whenever your niche’ is mentioned around your area that people think of you first. If you aren’t willing to hustle and grind in this industry, then you are in the wrong business.

If you are willing to hustle a little, then you will become successful in the most rewarding industry in the world. You will be able to smile each and every day that you get out of bed. You will be able to change lives. What more could someone want?

I am excited about my latest project! The Mash Mafia Affiliate Program is going to change the game. We are going to give you guys a lot more than just a cool name. I want to help each and every person that partners with me to succeed in this demanding industry. Here is what we will be giving:

• Mash Mafia Programming designed for the affiliates members.
• Once per month Business Consultation with Coach mash
• MasterMind Go To Meetings with all Affiliate Owners and Coach Mash and guests
• Access via phone, email, etc
• Social Media Plugs
• Listed On Website
• Plugged on Podcast
• Branding
• Forum for Owners and Travis to Communicate
• YouTube Video Plug for each person that owners can send to new or prospective members

I am so excited to help you all become successful in the industry that I love with all my heart. For more information, email me at

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