#GridStyle is Producing

#GridStyle is Producing

Travis Deadlift

Check out our new Seminar Schedule here! Eagan, MN at Undisputed Strength & Conditioning is next February 7th:

Mash Seminars

I am literally having the most fun working out than I have had in over twenty years. I have always wanted to combine the two strength sports that I love weightlifting and powerlifting. I have also missed the athleticism of football. The Grid has blended all the things that I love into one incredible sport. I am also learning new movements and techniques weekly, so I am constantly being challenged.

I am going to once again give you a rundown of my weekly training, and give you some feedback from each day. Hopefully you will be able to see how the training is evolving and changing, so we can go on this journey together. Here is what last week looked like:

P. Snatch 115k/253lb/1
P. Clean 145k/319lb/1

This week I wanted to test the Olympic lifts a little. My Power Clean and Clean seem to be doing well, but the Snatch was lacking some. I feel that I made some ground up this week. The 253lb Power Snatch was easy and crisp. The advantage of the Power Snatch is simply speed. I want to be able to complete full snatches, but the Power Snatch will be the faster movement for me.

The 319lb Power Clean was also easy. I am excited the way that so many different movements are moving so well together. The hardest thing about the #GridStyle is allotting the proper volume per lift.

Snatch Push Press to OH Sq 70/2+1, 80/2+1
Snatch from Blocks EMOM 90/1 x 4, 95/1 x 3, 100/1, 105/1, 110/1, 115/1, 120k/264lbs x 1 Power Snatch
Clean & Strict Press 91/1+3 PR
Close grip Bench 325/1
Ring Dips 3-4-5
Pull-ups 5-6-7

Row Repeats Total 1250m in 4:47 avg 1:55
250m with 60 sec rest x 5

This day was pretty high volume for me, and that is the way that I kept things this week. One day would be heavy, and then the next day was more volume. The Snatch Push Press to Overhead Squat is a great exercise to warm up the Snatch. I stole this one from the folks at the Olympic Training Center.

I actually hit a PR Power Snatch off the Blocks of 264 lbs. I was really jacked about this lift because I am not good at all from the blocks especially in powers. I am a first pull specialist. The EMOMs or every minute on the minutes are my favorite way to train. They allow me to get in a rhythm, and they keep me warm. The 264 pounds was completed on the 11th set.

Then I moved straight into the Clean & Strict Press movement. Anything overhead is a big struggle for me right now. Ever since I broke my neck in 2007, my left side has really been affected. My radial nerve is damaged which causes major stability problems, but the more I work overhead the stronger it gets. On this day I hit a 200lb strict press for 3 reps which was a big PR of late.

After that I worked up to a 325lb Closegrip Bench, but I cut it at 325lbs because my shoulder was feeling a little tired. The bench press isn’t a major lift right now, so I am not risking injury over it. I moved right into some met con work with a pull-up and ring dip superset. Those ring dips were super hard at first, but now they are getting manageable.

The final segment was row repeats. I basically perform 250m in a 1m 50sec for 500m pace. Then I rest one minute and repeat. Last week I puked after three, and this week I was able to manage five of them. The best part is that I wasn’t destroyed.

Front Squat 227k/500lb x 1
Jerk BH Neck 171k/376lb x 1

Once again, I dropped the volume on this day to do a little showing off I started the day with an easy 500lb Front Squat. I could have definitely gone heavier, but I have learned to save a little in the tank. #GridStyle requires one to perform at a high level in several different aspects.

Then I got to jerk off the box. I was super pumped to hit a 171k/376lb jerk. That is the most that I have done in a very long time. It was again very easy, and I almost tried 400lbs. Then I came to my senses, and saved my energy for the rest of the week.

Workout #1
Farmers Walk 200lb x 25m
Pull-ups x 5
Dips x 10
X 3 Rounds

Workout #2
Seated Box Jumps 36″ x 3, 42″ x 3 sets x 1 rep

KB Swing 60lbs x 5 reps
Box Jumps 30″ x 3
Explosive Push-ups x 5
X 2 Rounds

Workout # 3
Snatch Grip Push Press Holds 120k x 30 sec

On this day, I decided to get a little work in. I had already set enough records for the week, so it was time to get a little conditioning in. Farmers Walks are a tough exercise to start the show with because they absolutely wreck the whole body. As you can see I am putting in pull-ups and dips several times throughout the week. These are two body weight movements that I foresee coming into play.

Next I was super excited to hit a 42 inch seated box jump. My goal is 46 inches, and I was pleased that the 42 inch was so easy. I was able to perform three singles at this height. Plyometric work makes me feel younger instantaneously. I love it when my workouts are more athletic.

Then I hit some good ‘ole KB Swings along with box jumps and explosive push-ups. The met con was tiring, but it left me feeling better and explosive. Speed, jumping, and athleticism is a big part of my new program.

Last I performed a few sets of 30 second holds. This was actually Travis Cooper’s idea to stabilize the bar overhead in the Snatch. I went up to 120k/264 pounds, and I can tell you that I was trembling. This exercise is perfect to help me stabilize and get that radial nerve firing on all cylinders.

Clean 155/1

On this day I lifted with my youth team in front of my first Learn 2 Lift Seminar of the year. I hit a super easy 155k/341lb Clean. I could have easily gone up, but once again I am saving my energy for all the exercises that I need work on.

Back Squat Pause 235k/517lb x 1
Deadlift 650×1, 670xm

My paused back squat on this day was ok. 517lbs is something that isn’t too hard for me right now, but I was feeling like a needed just a little back off in volume. I did turn things loose on the Deadlift. I hit an easy 650 pounds, and was almost locked with 670lbs. If I had worn baby powders, I could have easily slid the bar to completion.

Will Hall and I make a great team. We are discussing two awesome programs that you are all going to love. We want results for you all, and we have two sick programs that are going to change the game for you. The two programs will look like this:

1. We are going to put together a program that will bring the Grid Style to all of you. Get strong, more athletic, in shape, and lean! All that I can say is that I love it!
2. Crossing Over- this is where Will Hall will show you guys how he got so jacked after chilling with the CrossFit for a bit. I saw it with my own eyes. It worked.


2015 is going to be an exciting year for us. We hope that we can help as many people reach their goals as possible. Here are a couple ways that we can help you:

1. If you are a weightlifting purist and are searching for a team and coach, try out the Mash Mafia Weightlifting Team. I am going to keep the prices the same for the first couple of weeks, and then they will increase to reflect the quality. To check out the online team, click on the link below:

Mash Mafia Online Team

2. If you are looking to get a hold of your nutrition and/or workouts, check out the “Eat and Lift What You Want” Online Team. To check it out, click on the link below:

Eat and Lift What You Want


3. For Coaching based on any goal that you might have, Online Coaching with Coach Mash is perfect:

Online Coaching with Coach Mash

If you want to host a Learn 2 Lift Clinic(options of Eat & Lift What You Want, Coach McCauley, or traditional Learn 2 Lift), email me at: Travis.Mash@MashElite.com.

I am excited to partner on some of my seminars with Coach Don McCauley, Level V Senior International Coach and with Adee and Hayden from Team WAG. Lots of great options so let’s get your facility some education in 2015.

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