“Holiday Advice: Be Mindful and Use Moderation” by Coach Crystal McCullough, MSN

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Holiday Advice: Be Mindful and Use Moderation

by Coach Crystal McCullough, MSN

We are in full swing of the holiday season, which means office parties and evening out parties and lots and lots of food! You have spent the better part of 2017 working towards your goals, so please don’t let the last 5 weeks of it undo everything you have accomplished.

One dictionary definition of moderation is “the avoidance of excess or extremes, especially in one’s behavior” while indulgence is defined as “the action or fact of having too much of something enjoyable.” You can see how both moderation and overindulgence can be used in relation to food and drink and this is the time of year to know how to enjoy the holidays in moderation.

Am I saying don’t enjoy treats and spend time with family? Absolutely not! No one wants to be the odd ball that brings their own tupperware dish to Christmas dinner. Enjoy time with your family, which this time of year, includes food. What I AM saying is keep your goals at the forefront of your mind.

Are you in a weight-based sport? Do you have a meet just around the corner? Are you 5 pounds away from your goal weight? Are you about to fit into those jeans you’ve been trying all year to fit in to all year? These types of goals can be sabotaged by overindulgence!!

Here are some tips on how to enjoy the holiday season while staying on track:
1. Remember what your goals are. Be intentional with them. Remember how your body feels after you eat a huge meal or load up on sweets. Share your goals with others so they can hold you accountable.
2. Continue to train! Don’t take a break over the holiday and make excuses like it’s just too busy and you’ll get back at it after the holidays. KEEP MOVING!!
3. Host the party! Normally, you are in charge of the food when you host, so you can provide delicious, healthy holiday dishes.
4. Don’t “save up” for the big meal. Start your day out normally and eat how you normally eat. When you “save up”, you are more likely to overeat. Also, about an hour or so before you are set to eat the big meal, load up on a snack of protein and good fat. This will help curb the desire to eat all the processed sugars.
5. Be smart about your food choices. Look for the healthier party items like fruit and salads to begin with. This will fill your belly and will leave less room for desserts.
6. Limit alcohol intake.
7. Don’t feel guilty. Don’t beat yourself up over some pumpkin pie and eggnog. So you ate too much at your cousin’s party? Tomorrow is a new day. Pick up and move on. Don’t use it as an excuse to let it all go until the New Year.

In the end, these are all just ideas, a GPS if you will, for you to take and use as you wish. We want you to be successful in the goals you lay out for yourself.
Enjoy the holiday! Eat, drink and be merry….in moderation 🙂 Continue to get those workouts in and finish 2017 out with a bang of PRs and goal reaching milestones!

Check out one of the Eat What You Want Online Teams:

Eat What You Want (Everything Needed to Perfect Your Nutrition)
Eat and Lift What You Want (Get Your Nutrition and Your Workout Perfected)

Check them out here: ⇒ ‘Team Eat and Lift What You Want’

About Coach Crystal:

Crystal is one of our Mash Elite coaches. She is a nationally ranked 72k USAPL Open and Masters powerlifter. Her best lifts are 147k squat, 88k bench, and 177k deadlift. She is an RN with a Masters degree in Nurse Education and has her CSCS. She was a CrossFit affiliate owner from 2015-2017 before relocating to Mash Headquarters. She is also the mom of 14 year old, Morgan. Follow her journey on Instagram @crystalmac_72

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