Below is an article that I wrote over one year ago! It’s amazing at all the things that have changed in the last year. We are still training the best, but now we are training a whole lot more of the best. The Mash Compound has gone through a face lift, and is about to go through another one. The things that I wrote about still ring true when it comes to training champions. Not all facilities are geared towards training the best, and that is totally fine. This is just a recipe for the places that strive to be the absolute best.
Check out our new Seminar Schedule here! Eagan, MN at Undisputed Strength & Conditioning is next February 7th:
How to Make a Champion
At the Mash Mafia Compound we are a group that is used to being extraordinary. As we speak, we have “The Champ” Jon North, one of the best Olympic weightlifters in the nation, Tommy Bohanon, NY Jets Fullback, Greg Nuckols, World Record holding powerlifter, and about forty Division I Athletes. We have several Nationally ranked weightlifters and powerlifters, and the one thing in common is that they all want to get better. My goal is writing my blog is to educate people. Today I want to tell you some of the things that we are doing to make sure that the environment at the Mash Mafia Compound is favorable.
1. An environment of constant learning! The coaches and I at Mash are constantly in the pursuit of something better. I refuse to be the coach that thinks he knows everything. There are a lot of those out there, and I believe it is a product of laziness. Coaches get to the point that they don’t want to do the research or attend new seminars. Not us! We just purchased the speed system from Joe Defranco. He has obviously done a great job with a lot of the top NFL football players, so I am going to learn about it. I’ll match it to our existing program, and provide something better for my current and future athletes. Athletes put their trust in me, and I am going to do everything in my power to give them results. My weightlifters know that I am constantly researching for ways to improve them. Anyone is a fool to not look at what the Chinese are doing.
2. Monitor the Culture! When I first started, I would take anyone. Let’s face it, I had to pay the bills. Now I am up front with all of my new athletes. If you are not trying to be the best that you can be, then Mash isn’t the place for you. I should have started my program like this. If an athlete is becoming a cancer, I will kick them out. My people work too hard for me to allow someone to ruin their atmosphere. I will work with people, and I will give them chances. When I determine that it is just not in them, I will ask them to leave. It’s hard because I love my athletes, but it is for the greater good. Our culture is one of greatness, and it always will be.
3. Teach the Small Things! We do more than program and coach workouts. We strive to teach all of our athletes about nutrition, recovery, goal setting, soft tissue, stretching, and more. We explain that true champions will become “Masters of the Mundane”. Greg Olsen for the Carolina Panthers is one of the best. While visiting my friend Coach Joe Kenn (, the Head Strength Coach of the Panthers, I had the chance to meet Greg. He spends hours on his own with mobility, massage, Active Release, acupuncture, and more trying to ensure that his body is battle ready. I encourage all of my athletes to do the same.
4. Provide the Small Things: We provide monthly workshops for free on nutrition, recovery, and goal setting, Then we provide tools like: Dr. Gray(A.R.T., Graston, Rock Tape, Chiropractic, K-Laser, Acupuncture, and more), blood tests that will determine vitamin and mineral deficiencies, Functional Movement Screens, mobility/stability plans specific to the athlete, and workouts specific to the strengths and weaknesses of the athlete. We are determined to give our athletes everything that they need to succeed. Now I am in the process of acquiring housing and part-time employment for my weightlifters that are relocating to North Carolina to be a part of our team. I want to provide the best environment possible for all of my athletes.
These are the things that make the Mash Compound so successful. If you are a coach, then try to do the same. If you are an athlete, look for this type of environment in choosing a facility. Now is the time that I want to announce the new Mash website:
There is a whole new look, and a lot more to offer. I will be providing the programming that I am using for Jon North, and the programming that I am using for the rest of the team. Each member will have uniquenesses to their program that I will be explaining weekly. The programming along with the explanations and findings will be mailed out weekly to the people signed up for my newsletter. That will start today! If you are not a member of my newsletter, go to: and their is a spot on the homepage to sign up. I will send the programming out tonight, and I will send it out again on Tuesday to give everyone a chance to get signed up. It’s Free!!!
Here is Friday’s Max Out Friday Video! Unbelievable results so far:
2015 is going to be an exciting year for us. We hope that we can help as many people reach their goals as possible. Here are a couple ways that we can help you:
1. If you are a weightlifting purist and are searching for a team and coach, try out the Mash Mafia Weightlifting Team. I am going to keep the prices the same for the first couple of weeks, and then they will increase to reflect the quality. To check out the online team, click on the link below:
2. If you are looking to get a hold of your nutrition and/or workouts, check out the “Eat and Lift What You Want” Online Team. To check it out, click on the link below:
3. For Coaching based on any goal that you might have, Online Coaching with Coach Mash is perfect:
Online Coaching with Coach Mash
If you want to host a Learn 2 Lift Clinic(options of Eat & Lift What You Want, Coach McCauley, or traditional Learn 2 Lift), email me at:
I am excited to partner on some of my seminars with Coach Don McCauley, Level V Senior International Coach and with Adee and Hayden from Team WAG. Lots of great options so let’s get your facility some education in 2015.