How to Produce Unbelievable Athletes

Mash Elite Performance has been in operation since 2008. We have produced countless amounts of Division I Athletes, National Champion Powerlifters, World Champion Powerlifters, and now National level Olympic weightlifters. We are working on producing champion Crossfitters, and I have no doubt that we will do just that. I receive countless emails, calls, and in-person inquiries about “The Mash Elite Secret”, so I am going to list it for everyone.

The first one is ”Leadership with Coaching”. Almost all the premier facilities in America have a knowledgeable, motivating, and driven coach. The coach has to be heart of the facility. I believe that the coach has to have at least performed the sport that they are coaching, and preferably at a high level. I blessed enough to still be able to compete on a National level at two sports, and I believe that inspires my young athletes. A coach has to be inspiring and motivational. I have high expectations from all of my athletes, and they know this. They also know that I love each and every one of them, so they know I have their best interest. My athletes have high expectations of themselves, so when I get upset with them, they know it’s out of love. A great coach is never satisfied with the level of knowledge that they possess. They are constantly on the lookout for something better. The last big key for a coach is to form a fun environment. I am excited for my athletes way more than I am disappointed. When they set personal records, I am jumping in the air and carrying them on my shoulders around the facility. This type of coach will produce countless amounts of champions.

Next an “atmosphere of excellence and fun” is a must! At Mash Elite my athletes have the highest of expectations for themselves, and all I do is remind them on a daily basis what those expectations are. I tell my parents up front not to send their children to me unless the athlete has extremely high expectations. We are not the place for mediocrity! I’m not judging those people. I am just saying that another facility would fit their mediocre goals better. A record board was the best idea ever created because my athletes will do anything to get on that crazy thing. Just as important as excellence is fun because athletes work harder and longer when they are having fun. As an example all of my athletes young and old know that Friday is “Max Out Friday”, and they know that we are trying to set personal records on that day. We treat Friday as a holiday, and we just have fun from open to close slamming bars, killing PRs, crushing 40 yard dashes, and murdering vertical leaps. We celebrate daily when athletes improve. I am a coach that targets when an athlete does something well. I correct bad mechanics, but I celebrate good mechanics.

The biggest reason that we are successful at Mash Elite is the community. We are family! We hang out together! We laugh together! We cry together! The whole reason that I put a smoothie bar and sitting area was to have a place for my athletes to just hang out. We also have “Chang Thai Friday Nights”, when I am not travelling so much. This is where we go to another MashEliter’s restaurant, and we all just eat and fellowship together. When athletes hang out, they feel a part of something bigger than themselves. We are a part of something special! When one of my athletes gets a scholarship offer, we all get one. When one of my athletes competes on a National level, we all compete. The community at MashElite is what guarantees that I will never work a day of my life because all that I do every day is hang out with my friends.

The last aspect of building champions is to teach technique and mechanics first. Before my athletes get a bar in their hand, they must first show me that they have proper mechanics with their own body. Before we load the bar with weight, the athlete must demonstrate that they understand the mechanics of the exercise. Running and jumping mechanics are taught every day, so the athlete’s newly added strength will transfer to a faster 40yd dash time and higher vertical leap. Something that I learned from Coach Joe Kenn of the Carolina Panthers is that a strength coach should try to get the most out of the least. That means I should get the most out of kettlebell squats before moving into barbell squats.

These are the building blocks that have made Mash Elite Performance into a factory creating great athletes. I hope that more coaches will read this, and that they will try to learn from it. These blocks have not only made our program successful, but they have also made it a fun and exciting place to be a part of. If you have any questions about the blocks, email me at:

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