Intro and 12/21/16 Training

Hey Ya’ll. Since this is my very 1st training log post, I figured I would start with a quick intro of myself, and what’s currently going on in my training. I’m a 63kg lifter, who obviously lifts for team Mash Elite Performance under Coaches Travis Mash and Don McCauley. My best training lifts are 93kg Snatch, 115Kg Clean and jerk, 134Kg Front Squat and 150Kg Back squat. My best in competition are 91/112. However, I just had surgery on my ankle and will be non-weight bearing for about 4 more weeks. (If you want more details about my injury and  recovery process, check out my blog: That being said, my current training will be modified to accommodate my injury. It will include a lot of upper body work, and whatever else Don, Travis and I can come up with to keep me in good shape.

Here’s what Wednesday’s Training looked like:

Olympic Work

  • Kneeling Cleans 8×3 45kgs (video below)
  • Kneeling Strict Press 5×5 40kgs

Shoulder Bro Session

  • Seated Unilateral Dumbell Press 3x8e 35lbs, 1x8e 40lbs
  • Bottoms up Kettlebell z press 3x8e 15lb
  • 3 way shoulder raise 3x8e 10lbs
  • Bent over Rear Delt flys 3×10 10lbs


  • 1 leg Squats 3×10 15lb (kettle bell)
  • 1 leg RDL’s 5×10 50lb (kettlebell)
  • Banded Hammy Curls w/ 2 sec pause 3x12e Red Band

Bodyweight : 63.2kg

Coach Travis and I having a kneeling clean (this back from before my surgery, but after I found out about my stress fracture) I figured I’d put it in there incase anyone wanted to know what kneeling cleans look like.

As you can see, it’s not the typical training you would see from an Olympic lifter, but I’m just doing what I can do stay strong, and to stay sane. I’m all about that pump life (trying to be anyways)!!






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