It’s Never too Late

It’s Never too Late


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Mash Seminars

Recently I announced my intention to participate in the 2015 Grid League Season. I have been talking with The Carolina Crush for several months now, and for the last month I have been training harder than ever to make this dream a reality. Most of you know that I have competed at very high levels in several sports. Powerlifting obviously took be to the highest level winning the world championships multiple times. When I participated in Powerlifting, Weightlifting, and Football, I competed for myself. I was selfish which a lot of people think is necessary for success. I disagree!

When God gives someone a gift, it is to be used to inspire. I am not talking about some superficial inspiration. Yes, I want to inspire people to get off their couch and get to work, but more importantly I want to inspire people to make this world a little better place. Truthfully I want to inspire people 35+ to continue their quests in life. It’s never too late to start something new as long at that something new makes this world a little better place.

The Grid League will give me a massive audience to inspire people my age. The Grid League has done a beautiful thing in guaranteeing 40 year old slots on each team. It is like the whole league has decided to inspire people to get out of the recliner and in the gym. I have no choice but to support this league that is spreading this message.

The Grid League is a whole new chance to compete, inspire, and spread Christ’s love. Life on earth is such a short blink! In 2006 God made me a new person. One regret I had was not being a Christian when I was competing in Powerlifting. I had so many opportunities to inspire people, and I just blew them. I just wanted more and more attention placed on me, and that was a waste. When I met with The Carolina Crush for the first time, I knew that God was a part of it. They were looking for:

• 40+ Year Old athletes
• Strength specialists
• Snatch, Clean, Jerk, Squats, Pressing, Deadlifts, and Farmers Walk
• Team races

I mean are you kidding me. My whole life has been spent training with these movements. I have been lifting heavy weights for the last thirty years. People have told me for years to get a real job, and that those heavy weights were going to hurt me. The one thing that I have missed while powerlifting and weightlifting is a team concept. The Grid League is all of that to me. It also forces me to do movements that I have never tried like muscle-ups, handstand push-ups, and handstand walks.

The Grid League is going to re-define functional fitness. It is going to show people that there is a place in fitness for everyone. Whether you are a strength athlete, body weight athlete, or a combo, it doesn’t matter. There is a place for you. Whether you are a 24-year-old stud right out of college or a 41-year-old accountant, there is a place for you. The league is going to entertain and inspire, and I want to be a part of it.

A lot of people look at me as if I don’t understand because I have always been an athlete. Most people my age have simply stopped striving for new goals. They have been out of touch with new dreams for a long-time. Well I get it. I am afraid as well. I am afraid that I am not the athlete that people remember. I am afraid that I am too beat up. I am afraid that I will get nervous in front of all those people and cameras. I am afraid too! I am!

The only difference is that I refuse to let my fear win. I am simply putting one foot in front of the other. I go workout every day. I work on new skills every week. I do my burpee box jumps until I puke, but every week I get better. Every week I get closer to the athlete that I remember. Every week I tighten up my nutrition and recovery just a little more, and hopefully every week I inspire people a little more.

I want to inspire people in more than one way. Yes I want to inspire all people to live a life of fitness, but I want more. I want to inspire middle-aged people to continue their strive for any goal that they might have. If you always wanted to be a lawyer, go back to school. If you wanted to start your own business, make a plan and go for it. Don’t ever stop reaching! Inspire you own family to dream big, set goals, commit, and execute.

The biggest goal that I have is to let people see what Christ has done and is doing in my life. There is a movement in fitness right now that I want to be a big part of. People like Andrea Ager, Rich Froning, Spencer Arnold, and Sam Dancer are awesome athletes that are not afraid to express their love for Christ. They do a whole more than just proclaim it. It is evident in the way that they live their lives. This is the biggest goal that I have going into the 2015 season. This is my prayer every night.

I will need God more than ever because I have a family to love and a business to manage. I can’t let anything slip, and I can tell you that this will be the challenge of a lifetime. There are so many elements to my business right now, and I am going to have to make a lot of hard decisions. However, this is all a part of the process that will help inspire others to reach for their dreams. Learning to balance God, family, and business is probably the number one fear for anyone my age when it comes to beginning new ventures. It’s my biggest fear for sure! It’s a fear that I won’t let beat me because I have Christ and my family in my corner.

Go for it this year! Don’t let anyone tell you that it is too late!

2015 is going to be an exciting year for us. We hope that we can help as many people reach their goals as possible. Here are a couple ways that we can help you:

1. If you are a weightlifting purist and are searching for a team and coach, try out the Mash Mafia Weightlifting Team. I am going to keep the prices the same for the first couple of weeks, and then they will increase to reflect the quality. To check out the online team, click on the link below:

Mash Mafia Online Team

2. If you are looking to get a hold of your nutrition and/or workouts, check out the “Eat and Lift What You Want” Online Team. To check it out, click on the link below:

Eat and Lift What You Want


If you want to host a Learn 2 Lift Clinic(options of Eat & Lift What You Want, Coach McCauley, or traditional Learn 2 Lift), email me at:

I am excited to partner on some of my seminars with Coach Don McCauley, Level V Senior International Coach and with Adee and Hayden from Team WAG. Lots of great options so let’s get your facility some education in 2015.

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