Last week, I had the honor of accepting the Head Coach position for the Attitude Nation Weightlifting Team. I am so excited for this! It has been a dream of mine to coach Olympic athletes. As you all know, Jon North is already my partner and friend, and I believe in him. I believe that with the right atmosphere, coaching, and becoming a master of the mundane (sleep, recovery, nutrition, etc) Jon can become the greatest American lifter of all-time. Those are big words! I get it, but Jon is truly a freak athlete that just needs to get stronger. And I know Strong! Along with Jon we have several rookie lifters that are Nationally ranked, and we will be proactively recruiting athletes as well. Obviously programming for “The Champ” Jon North will be different than athletes with less than a year of training behind their belts.
My goal is to daily give my readers insight to the differences in programming for the different athletes. I am going to be meeting with all of my lifters one on one within the next week because I am going to individualize their programming. Their programs are going to reflect their strengths and weaknesses. I also want the insight of the lifter as to what they believe has helped them, and what has not. If a lifter believes that something will help them, then it will! The brain is super powerful!
Programming for the champ will look something like this:
Lots of squatting
Jerk work: blocks, behind neck, jerks squats, etc
Overhead pressing
Target hamstrings
Snatch and Clean & Jerk heavy, but we will use the conjugate method to prevent a plateau
Chains Baby! Shock him!
Protect low back
Soft Tissue work before and after
Chiropractic, A.R.T., Graston, Laser, massage
Programming for the Rookies:
Position Work
Strengthening the positions
Squats! You can’t lift big weights with weak legs!
Mobility! Lowest person wins!
Correct individual imbalances! FMS
Posterior Chain
Dan John Battle Ready: prepare them for the years of hell in front of them
Today’s training for Jon:
P. Snatch 75%/1rep x 5 sets(work up if feels good)
P. Clean 75%/1rep x 5 sets(work up if feels good)
Jerks off Blocks HS, 80/2
Bentover Rows 8RM, then -5% and -10% for 8
Today’s training for Rookies:
Clean Sotts Press 3 RM, then -5&10%
OH Squats paused 3 sec in bottom 1RM, 75/3
Jerks from behind neck HS
Bentover Rows 8RM, then -5&-10%
Bench Press 5RM, then -5& -10%
Next year, Learn 2 Lift seminars are scheduled all over the US: Dunmore, PA, Jersey Shore, Miami, Charlotte, Winston-Salem, Orlando, Myrtle Beach, Albuquerque, San Antonio, Rhode Island, and we are scheduling Minneapolis and Wilmington, NC as we speak.
For any questions regarding Learn 2 Lift Seminars or Online Coaching, go to:
Or if you are interested in hosting a Learn 2 Lift Seminar on the topics of Olympic Weightlifting, Powerlifting, or Athletic Performance, email me at: