Keep It Simple Strength! And Tomorrow’s Workout!


Day 5
Snatch max, 80/2
Clean & Jerk max, 80/2
Push Press 5RM


3 rounds for time of:

400m Run
10 Hang Power Cleans 155/105#
20 T2B

Simple Strength Tips:

1. Squat to get strong at Squats! We are following the simplest plan that I’ve ever designed for Squats, and everybody is getting stronger. For example, right now we are doing high volume 5×5 on Monday, 5 RM Front Squats on Wednesday with down sets, and 5 RM Back Squats on Saturday with down sets. Of course, all of this will change every 4 week block, but the program will continue to fit this pattern.

2. Snatch and Clean & Jerk to get better at Snatch and Clean & Jerk! I am definitely a believer in the Westside Barbell Conjugate Method, but I keep the variations close to the original lift. For example, here are some variations: Snatch and Clean & Jerk off boxes, Hangs, Complexes, pauses at or above knee, and certain variations of these variations. Right now we Snatch and Clean & Jerk or perform variations three times each per week. This will increase the deeper we get into the program.

3. Build your base! Whether you are a Powerlifter or a Weightlifter, you need to build Specific Strength for the lifts that you desire to perform. For example, if you want to do Olympic Weightlifting, Overhead Squats, Front Squats, Push Press, and Pull-ups are a few exercises to prep the body for the Main Lifts. My team continues to perform these exercises because they are all still rookies, and they need those areas strengthened.

With Powerlifting, Glute Ham Raises, Goodmornings, Standing Presses, RDLs, High Bar Squats, Bentover Rows, Dips, and Pull-ups are some great exercises for Powerlifting. Once the base is built, I suggest focusing closer to the main lifts.

4. Once The Base is Built, Focus on the Main Lifts! Weightlifting and Powerlifting are both sports. Practice the lifts so the body develops more of an efficient movement pattern. Practice the lifts like you are in competition. For example, if you are benching, practice the pause on your chest. I actually became better at pausing than the touch and go.

Check Scuba out! 3 months ago he couldn’t Clean 130k/286lbs. Here he is hitting 151k/332lbs!

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1 thought on “Keep It Simple Strength! And Tomorrow’s Workout!”

  1. Snatch: 100, 105 missx2
    Clean and jerk: 130, 140 miss jerk
    Really rough day for me. gonna make up for it Sunday at the qualifier

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