Learn 2 Lift: What 2 Expect

Mash Elite has embarked on a series of seminars called “Learn 2 Lift”. The seminars are focused on Snatch and Clean & Jerk, and/or Squat, Bench, & Deadlift. A lot of people are emailing me about what to expect at these seminars, so I am going to explain in this blog. I am unbelievably excited to share my knowledge around the country that I have spent the last 28 years developing. I have picked this knowledge up from all the different journeys of my life including: Little’s Gym in my hometown, football at Appalachian State University, the Olympic Training Center, time spent with Charles Poliquin, time spent with Louie Simmons, time on the Elite Fitness Systems Q&A Staff, talks with the amazing Joe Kenn, training with Jon North, training with Donnie Shankle, time spent with Glenn Pendlay, and time spent with the phenomenal Mash Elite Staff. We are scheduled for the New Jersey/New York area August 2nd at The Underground Gym owned by the brilliant Zach Even-Esh, and Crossfit 140 in Atlanta August 24th. We are scheduling now with facilities in Texas, Hawaii, and Australia, and we are looking to add to these. When I was in my early 20s, I never would have guessed that so many people would come to love the sports so dear to my heart. I have to say that I am living a dream.

The first thing that you are going to learn is the latest techniques. Things have changed a lot in both Olympic weightlifting and powerlifting in just the last ten years, so whether you are a beginner or a veteran there will be lots to learn. I teach the Pendlay system in the Olympic lifts as interpreted by me, and that means from the top down. Working with Donnie Shankle and Jon North has really helped me get caught up in a more advance catapult type system. The technique alone provides personal records to most the very first time using the system, so come out to one of my seminars and learn to Slam Bars!

One of the big differences in my seminars and other people’s is that I am going to teach programming concepts to aid the attendees in developing their own system. I will teach you common sense ways to wave volume that will maximize supercompensation. I will teach techniques that will aid in recovery and save the central nervous system. It really goes back to who can train the most without breaking down, and there are many tricks to doing just that. My system is based off of Chinese and Bulgarian programs, and concepts that I have learned from many experts in the field such as Glenn Pendlay and Joe Kenn. Technique is great, but without a proper program you will never maximiz3e potential.

Over the years I have discovered hundreds of tricks that have equated to huge personal records for me. These tricks have helped me become one of the strongest strength athletes of all-time, and they continue to allow me to compete on a National Level in two sports at the age of 40. I don’t compete in the Masters because as you all know “I do what I want”. I will continue to compete in the Open classes as long as God will allow, and these “tricks” are a big part of the reason that I am still going. I look back at my life, and I laugh because my life has been one big college course. I had no idea when I was working with Charles Poliquin that I was working with a legend in my field. I had no idea when I was training with Joe Kenn that I was training with the future Head Strength Coach of the Carolina Panthers. Louie Simmons and I quickly became friends during my powerlifting days, and now everyone in America knows this guy. Now at 40 years old I am training with two of the best weightlifters in America Jon North and Donnie Shankle, and I am friends with Glenn Pendlay the greatest weightlifting coach in America. I would say that I have earned all of the tricks in my bag of goodies from all the tests that I have put myself through. These tricks now will be passed on to my MashEliters, Weightlifting Talk listeners, and anyone that attends my seminars.

These seminars are going to rock, and I am going to have a blast teaching them. If anyone is interested in hosting a seminar, email me at:


If you are interested in attending a seminar, check out my website for a list of events and payment options:


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