Lessons from a Barbell Gypsy: Adee Zukier

Remember we will be in Kissimmee, FL on March 28-29 at Obsessive CrossFit Disorder, and then Zach Even-Esh and I are teaming up May 16-17 for the best Certification Ever! Check out all of the Learn 2 Lift Certs. below:

Learn 2 Lift Certs

Lessons from a Barbell Gypsy: Adee Zukier


My athlete, partner, and most importantly my friend Adee Zukier is visiting the Mash Compound with my other athlete, partner, and friend Hayden Bowe. Adee is having the time of her life right now. She just finished her first Powerlifting Meet where she Squatted 275lb, Bench Pressed 150lb, and Deadlifted 325lb. The Deadlift, Bench, and of course the total where PRs. She is also entered in the CrossFit Open with a team in Canada that is looking to go to the games. Not to mention just a couple of weeks ago she was in Lake Placid, NY competing in the Bobsled.

Wait isn’t she a weightlifter? Yah that too! What’s crazy is that she is PRing! She just hit an 80k/176lb Snatch for a lifetime PR. She does all of this while being absolutely shredded with our Eat & Lift What You Want Program. The girl lives the Code! She practices what she preaches, and that is why she is the perfect business partner for me. Too many frauds in the world! I can’t be a part of it.

Adee told me a little story that will help you understand what I mean by Barbell Gypsy. Adee and Hayden were stopped coming across the border from Canada because they had food scales and blocks of white powder. Well most of the time that is probably going to be cocaine and paraphernalia, but for a ripped weightlifter that is chalk and scales to measure their food. Then they had to explain why they were in Lake Placid, Miami, and Las Vegas all within the last couple of months. When Adee explained that one was bobsledding, one was weightlifting, and the other was a Grid Pro Day, the Border Police asked her if all she did was workout. Adee smiled her normal big smile and said, “Yah, I guess so!”

There is a lot to learn from Adee’s results of late. That is why I wanted to write this, so get your pen and paper out. Here goes!

1. Adee is having fun again. Weightlifting can be the most mentally fatiguing sport in the world. Day in and day out we snatch and clean & jerk. The body breaks down, and the mind gets bored. Right now most of us have nothing important until the Nationals in August. That is plenty of time to try some new activities, movements, and to experiment a little. I suggest spending some time spicing things up a little.

2. She is getting strong! She is squatting more. She is pulling more. She is doing farmers walks, overhead carries, muscle-ups, and other movements to get strong. Why do you think that CrossFitters can hit big weight without the best technique in the world? They are strong man! Now take someone like Adee that has great technique, and now get her strong. What happens next is inevitable. She will start to hit PRs. Look this thing isn’t rocket science. It is simple, so start using your heads.

3. She is switching the venue frequently. There is something about training at different gyms and boxes. It is fun. Not to mention if you keep your ears and eyes open, you will probably learn something new at each place. This has always been my secret. I have always made it a point to train in as many gyms with as many great athletes as possible. This is how you learn boys and girls.

I have trained with Louie Simmons, Wes Barnett, Shane Hamman, Steve Goggins, Dave Tate, Jim Wendler, Jon North, Donnie Shankle, and the entire crew at MDUSA. I could go on an on, but you get the point. Make it a point to travel around. Pick out your favorite athletes or coaches, and simply ask them to come train for the week or day. They will all say yes, and if they don’t, let me know. I will check them for you.

4. Adee is a master of the mundane. There is that phrase again. Adee is a happy go lucky athlete, but she is also a focused athlete. Here nutrition is on point. Her recovery is on point. That is why her training is on point. You will not find Adee out splurging with pizza and beer. She might be full of smiles and giggles, but she is a focused competitor that intends on being the best.

5. Good energy! I am excited to have Hayden and Adee home for a few days. They were at the Mash Compound today, and already the energy levels are rising. She glistens positive energy, and she makes it a point to surround herself with people that are like-minded. Guys and gals this is the key to success in any gym. Surround yourself with positive energy people, and make sure that you are positive energy as well.

I am sure that the next ten days of them being with us will be full of PRs, new ideas, and lots of laughs. I am blessed to have a team full of people like this. Make sure that your gym does everything possible to form a culture like this. It is the only way to forming a world champion gym.

Every person at the Mash Compound is working towards being the absolute best that they can be. We are a gym full of people that have focused goals, and the belief that we can reach these goals. We are a family united by The Barbell Life. The Barbell has taken us around the world, and it has landed us together at the Mash Compound. Now it’s time to seize the moment!

Look guys join our online Mash Mafia Team! We are just a bunch of athletes wanting to reach our own specific goals. Some of these guys and gals are weightlifters, powerlifters, CrossFitters, and some are just trying to get jacked. Go to www.MashElite.com/join-the-online-team/.

If you want to join the best Online Teams in America, Click on the Links Below:

Eat & Lift What You Want

Mash Mafia Online Team

Online Coaching with Coach Mash

This week we released the Online GridStyle Team, and it is awesome! Come get a program that is tailored to your own genetics to make your strengths stronger while eliminating all weaknesses! Check it out:

Online Team GridStyle

My Learn 2 Lift Seminar Series kicks off again in March. I will be at Obsessive CrossFit Disorder in Kissimmee, FL March 28-29. Go to www.MashElite.com/seminars/ to sign up!

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