Lisa G One Year Anniversary of Killing Cancer

Many of you know my friend Lisa G who is battling Stage IV Lung Cancer.  Last weekend was her one year anniversary with her battle.  She is my friend!  The world should know her story!  She is a 40 year old mother of two that refuses to quit Slamming Bars!  I am posting her post.  To help Lisa in her battle go to:

Guys please help my friend!

Lisa G:LisaG

On Jan 12 th it will be my 1 yr anniversary as a cancer survivor. As I look back I remember thinking “Am I going to make it to at least 1 year?” Then I thought “Nope, I’m making it way more than that.” So here we are… the first year of many to come.
Over the past year I have been given alot of advice and thoughts about how people think I feel and should act.. Some good and some not so good. Some of the information that always struck me as bothersome was that of “Oh what terrible time you are having or I hope next year is better than this year”. I don’t see it that way.
Oh there are days that are worse than others, but the whole time I think…”At least I am still alive and want to fight”. In addition, I think this has been one of the best years I have had.
Except for the week I was diagnosed I have had a pretty good time. First, my relationship with God has grown tremendously and continues on a great journey. In addition,  I couldn’t have done that without my MASH family, my husband and daughters.
Speaking of my daughters, those two little buggers have taught me allot about life and God. Things they talked with me about shocked me. I knew they were smart but goodness …they are a little smarter than I knew. They both did well in school. Nicole graduated Davie High with honors and in the top of her class. I was able to throw her fun graduation party. She earned scholarships and a place at South Carolina University. Which she is doing very well by the way. Erin also finshed 8th grade in the top of her class and is a freshman at Davie High and doing exceptionally well. They both have very nice boyfriends which make them and me laugh a lot.
I have been able to spend more time with my daughters this year due to the fact that I am not working. Both Nicole, Erin and I have spent time away on mini vacations that were alot of fun. I was able to attend all of their soccer games. I cheered them on like no one else, or embarrassed them lol. I also got to hang out with my husband more without worrying about what was going on at work.
I work out 5 days a week. Which is both good for my figure and keeps me healthy to fight this nasty mess. I have medaled in 2 weightlifting events. I reached a goal of snatching 110 lbs and cleaning and jerking 150 lbs over my head. Not many 43 year old moms can do that. While at the gym I have gotten to know a group of ladies that have supported me and listened to me cry and laugh no matter what. They have become my best friends and I can count on them for anything.
I also got to realize how great Davie County and the people who live here are. My gym held a fundraiser for me and I couldn’t believe the amount of people who came out to help myself and my family. I still shed tears of joy when I think about that day.
This past year I was able to go on a radio talk show to share my story. Which I agreed to do so that I may give hope and inspiration to anyone who is battling any kind of difficulty in their life. I was also able to stand up in church and give my testimony why my God is first and I am second. again, in hopes that my story and attitude will help others.
I was also able to increase my volunteer time at church within our soup kitchen ministry. Which I must say is a great ministry to be involved with. This year our team was able to organize a 5K to help raise money  for the soup kitchen to feed the hungry in Davie and Forsyth counties. Our thoughts were ” Maybe we will have 100 runners” honey…we were able to get almost 700 runners!!! How crazy and great was that! God had his hand in that. That was such a fun event I can’t wait to do it again.
I was able to spend a week long cruise with my husband, my best friend and a few of my neighbors. How much more fun could that be?! We had a blast and I can’t wait to do it again.
I also have the best oncologist. No matter when I go for an appointment he always has some new information for me about a med, treatment or a new step in the plan to help me beat this. He is also open to any suggetions that I may have for my care.
I could go on and on about all the stuff I did this past year but it would take many more pages and I have already probably bored you already :).
So even though I have had bad days and shed alot of tears. All my good days outweigh the bad thanks to my God , my husband, my  daughters, my family and friends.
I am looking forward to what God has in store for me.
So Bring It…because I am ready!!!
Love you all,


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