For two weeks now I have begun my march back to strength greatness. The first two weeks, I basically followed a Bulgarian method, and I maxed out every workout. My goal was to do that to maximize the initial gains. Everything but bench press was responding really well. The injuries I sustained from breaking my neck have severely affected the radial nerve in my left arm. I am going to need targeted attention to the tricep, rear delt, serratus anterior, and pec region of my left side. I will also employee Dr. Gray to help me wake up that area.
The ten week workout that I have written for my initial training cycle attempts to maximize Olympic weightlifting and powerlifting. My secondary goals are metabolic conditioning, body weight training, and bodybuilding. For anyone that is going to try this workout, make sure that your goals match up with my own. During the ten weeks, I will be training anywhere from 6 days and 8 training sessions to 7 days and 9 training sessions.
The workout is divided into three 3 week blocks, and one taper week for max out. I will attempt to explain each block, so that you will begin to understand the ‘why’. My goal is to teach you all along this journey. I will also post weekly Vlogs that will attempt to explain the mentality, frustrations, and conquests that go along with championship training. I will also post videos of mobility work, met con madness, and nutrition. I want this to be a life journey.
Phase 1 Weeks 1-3
Week 1
Day 1
Back Squat 5RM, then -10% for 5
Deadlift Paused 3 sec at Knee 3RM, then -10% for 3 not paused
GHRs ss Lunges 8 reps of each x 3 sets
Leg Curls ss Abdominal Work
Day 2
Bench Press Max Effort Work Sling Shot 3RM
Bench Press Closegrip Bench 5RM, then -5&-10% for 5
Medium Grip BH Neck Push Press 5RM, then -10% for 5
Pullups 15 Total Reps
Dips 15 Total Reps
Bro Session
Family Walk
Day 3
Clean 3RM, then -5&-10% for 3
Front Squat 5 sec pause in bottom 1RM
Max set of Pullups 1 set
Row 1000m Row
Day 4
Squat 3 sec pause 3RM, then -10% for 3
Deadlift Sumo 5RM, then -10% for 5
Leg Curls & Abdominal Work
Met Con Work
Day 5
Snatch 3RM, then -5&-10% for 3
Front Squat 5 Sec pause in bottom 2RM
Row 500m Sprint x 2 w 1 minute rest
Day 6
Bench 10RM, then -10% for 10
Standing Press 5RM, then -5&-10% for 5
Pullups 15 Total Reps
DB Tricep Ext ss Pushdowns 6 reps ss 10 reps x 6 set ea
Fat Bar Curls 10 reps x 3 sets
Met Con
Day 7
1 set of Max Pullups
Cardio Row 1500m
Week 2
Day 1
Back Squat 5RM, then -10% for 5
Deadlift Paused 2 sec at Knee 3RM, then -10% for 3 not paused
GHRs ss Lunges 8 reps of each x 3 sets
Leg Curls ss Abdominal Work
Day 2
Bench Press Max Effort Work Sling Shot 2RM
Bench Press Closegrip Bench 5RM, then -5&-10% for 5
Medium Grip BH Neck Push Press 5RM, then -10% for 5
Pullups 15 Total Reps
Dips 15 Total Reps
Bro Session
Family Walk
Day 3
Clean 3RM, then -5&-10% for 3
Front Squat 4 sec pause in bottom 1RM
1 set of Max Pullups
Row 1200m Row
Day 4
Squat 2 sec pause 3RM, then -10% for 3
Deadlift Sumo 5RM, then -10% for 5
Leg Curls & Abdominal Work
Met Con Work
Day 5
Snatch 3RM, then -5&-10% for 3
Front Squat 4 Sec pause in bottom 2RM
Row 600m Sprint x 2 w 1 minute rest
Day 6
Bench 10RM, then -10% for 10
Standing Press 5RM, then -5&-10% for 5
Pullups 15 Total Reps
DB Tricep Ext ss Pushdowns 6 reps ss 10 reps x 6 set ea
Fat Bar Curls 10 reps x 3 sets
Met Con
Day 7
1 set of Max Pullups
Cardio Row 1700m
Week 3
Day 1
Back Squat 5RM
Deadlift Paused 1 sec at Knee 3RM, then -10% for 3 not paused
Leg Curls ss Abdominal Work
Day 2
Bench Press Max Effort Work Sling Shot 1RM
Bench Press Closegrip Bench 5RM, then -10% for 5
Medium Grip BH Neck Push Press 5RM
Pullups 15 Total Reps
Dips 15 Total Reps
Bro Session
Family Walk
Day 3
Clean 3RM
Front Squat 3 sec pause in bottom 1RM
1 set of Max Pullups
Row 800m Row
Day 4
Squat 1 sec pause 3RM, then -10% for 3
Deadlift Sumo 5RM
Leg Curls & Abdominal Work
Met Con Work
Day 5
Snatch 3RM
Front Squat 3 Sec pause in bottom 2RM
Row 400m Sprint x 2 w 1 minute rest
Day 6
Bench 8RM, then -10% for 8
Standing Press 5RM, then -10% for 5
Pullups 15 Total Reps
DB Tricep Ext ss Pushdowns 6 reps ss 10 reps x 6 set ea
Fat Bar Curls 10 reps x 3 sets
Met Con
Day 7
1 set of Max Pullups
Cardio Row 1000m
Starting with day 1 you have a simple rep max in the 5 range which is where one will yield the most bang for their buck. By that I mean in the 5 rep range, the athlete can expect the most combination of hypertrophy and strength. I am also trying to build my work capacity with the down sets which is simply another stimulus to create the most adaptation. The paused deadlifts are a terrible animal, but produce amazing results. I watched Greg Nuckols use these to deadlift 725lbs drug free with the shortest arms in the game. By that I mean, Greg wasn’t designed to deadlift. He just got yoked! The pauses will help the athlete recruit the most fibers wherever they choose to pause the movement. The body will learn to fire wherever the athlete decides to pause.
The assistance on day 1 will be greater than the other days because there will be no Met Cons to perform later in the day. I have chosen GHRs because of my weakness in hamstring strength. Nothing on earth works the hamstrings like GHRs because they work the hamstrings as the cross the hip and the knee. It’s really hard to find an exercise that works them quite so functionally. The lunges are simply for hip and knee health. Most weightlifters and Powerlifters only perform bilateral movements like squats because squats are definitely king. However, unilateral movements like lunges help to open the hips, lengthen the hip flexors, and the vmo is utilized more. All of these attributes are good for preventing injuries and flaws. The leg curls are used to relieve pressure on the back, and the abdominal work is used to stabilize the spine for heavy squats and cleans.
Day 2 is max effort bench day, and we will be using the sling shot predominately. I like the sling shot over boards because it allows me to use slightly heavier weights but in a full range of motion. We will also receive some PAP (post activation potentiation) from the sling shot which I wrote about in the articles referring to Rebecca Gerdon’s squat. The closegrip bench is target my triceps which are inhibited by my radial nerve. The push presses are once again to strengthen the area that has been affected the most by my neck, the overhead area. The rest of the day is spent targeting bodyweight movements that I will need to strengthen for the Grid League. I have programmed them in terms of total reps. The goal is to perform the total reps in less and less number of sets. The rest of the day will be spent with my wife and son on a leisurely Sunday walk.
Day 3 will be performed at MuscleDriver USA, and I will focus on just cleans in the Olympic lifting. I am chilling in the jerk department while I am doing so much overhead and upper body work. I learned this from the Kyle Pierce program. The front squat is to increase mobility with that 5 second pause while keeping my knees fresh. The more I squat the better I feel as long as the volume is low. I will also throw in some rowing to keep the ticker strong for my man Rock. I am a 41 year old man with a one month old son, and I am going to do everything that I can to be in shape for my son when he gets older.
Day 4 will be my squat day where I focus on time under tension. Once again, I am really focusing on mobility and stabilization in this area. The sumo deadlifts are programmed because my man Zach Greenwald suggested them after testing a few of my lifts. I am really weak in the sumo deadlifts compared to the conventional deadlifts suggesting some weaknesses that I need to address. I will also perform a 10 minute or so met con on this day that will be centered around weaknesses that I need to target and conditioning.
Day 5 will be much like day 3 except I will be focusing on the snatch. I will still be using the front squat for mobility and stabilization. I will also be rowing once again for the old ticker. I will also be focused on mobility that I hope to convince Tom Sroka to help me with. That guy is the master of mobility work.
Day 6 is another bench press/upper body day. During this phase I will be focused mainly on hypertrophy during the first three weeks on this particular day. Once again I will be performing overhead work and body weight exercises. I will also perform another met con on this day. As you can see, I am really trying to make this workout a combination of strength and conditioning.
Day 7 is simply pullups and cardio during the first three week!
Weeks 4-6
Week 4
Day 1
Back Squat 3RM, then -10% for 3×2
Clean Pause at Knee 3 sec 1 RM no misses
Deadlift Paused 3 sec at Knee 1RM, then -20% for 3 not paused
GHRs ss Rear Leg Elevated Unilateral Squats 8 reps of each x 3 sets
Leg Curls ss Abdominal Work
Day 2
Bench Press Max Effort Work Sling Shot 3RM
Bench Press Closegrip Bench 3RM, then -5&-10% for 3
Medium Grip BH Neck Push Press 3RM, then -10% for 3
Pullups 20 Total Reps
Dips 20 Total Reps
Bro Session
Family Walk
Day 3
Clean from Blocks 3RM, then -5&-10% for 3
Front Squat 3 sec pause in bottom 1RM
Max set of Pullups 1 set
Row 1200m Row
Day 4
Snatch Pause 3 sec at knee 1RM
Squat 3 sec pause 1RM, then -20% for 3 no pause
Deadlift Sumo 3RM, then -10% for 3
Leg Curls & Abdominal Work
Met Con Work
Day 5
Snatch from Blocks 3RM, then -5&-10% for 3
Front Squat 3 Sec pause in bottom 2RM
Row 600m Sprint x 2 w 1 minute rest
Day 6
Snatch Pause at knee 3 sec 1RM
Bench 5RM, then -5&-10% for 5
Standing Press 3RM, then -5&-10% for 3
Pullups 20 Total Reps
Nosebreakers ss Closegrip Bench 10 reps and 10 reps x 5 sets
Fat Bar Curls 10 reps x 3 sets
Met Con
Day 7
1 set of Max Pullups
Cardio Row 1700m
Week 5
Day 1
Back Squat 3RM, then -10% for 3×2
Clean Pause at Knee 2 sec 1 RM no misses
Deadlift Paused 2 sec at Knee 1RM, then -20% for 3 not paused
GHRs ss Rear Leg Elevated Unilateral Squats 8 reps of each x 3 sets
Leg Curls ss Abdominal Work
Day 2
Bench Press Max Effort Work Sling Shot 2RM
Bench Press Closegrip Bench 3RM, then -5&-10% for 3
Medium Grip BH Neck Push Press 3RM, then -10% for 3
Pullups 20 Total Reps
Dips 20 Total Reps
Bro Session
Family Walk
Day 3
Clean from Blocks 3RM, then -5&-10% for 3
Front Squat 2 sec pause in bottom 1RM
1 set of Max Pullups
Row 1400m Row
Day 4
Squat 2 sec pause 1RM, then -20% for 3×2 no pauses
Deadlift Sumo 3RM, then -5&-10% for 3
Leg Curls & Abdominal Work
Met Con Work
Day 5
Snatch from Blocks 3RM, then -5&-10% for 3
Front Squat 2 Sec pause in bottom 2RM
Row 700m Sprint x 2 w 1 minute rest
Day 6
Snatch Pause at Knee 2 sec 1RM
Bench 5RM, then -5&-10% for 5
Standing Press 3RM, then -5&-10% for 3
Pullups 20 Total Reps
Nosebreakers ss Closegrip Bench 10 reps ea x 5 sets
Fat Bar Curls 10 reps x 3 sets
Met Con
Day 7
1 set of Max Pullups
Cardio Row 1900m
Week 6
Day 1
Back Squat 3RM
Clean Pause at Knee 1 sec 1 RM no misses
Deadlift Paused 1 sec at Knee 1RM, then -20% for 3 not paused
Leg Curls ss Abdominal Work
Day 2
Bench Press Max Effort Work Sling Shot 1RM
Bench Press Closegrip Bench 3RM, then -10% for 3
Medium Grip BH Neck Push Press 3RM
Pullups 20 Total Reps
Dips 20 Total Reps
Bro Session
Family Walk
Day 3
Clean from Blocks 3RM
Front Squat 1 sec pause in bottom 1RM
1 set of Max Pullups
Row 1000m Row
Day 4
Squat 1 sec pause 1RM, then -20% for 3 no pauses
Deadlift Sumo 3RM
Leg Curls & Abdominal Work
Met Con Work
Day 5
Snatch from Blocks 3RM
Front Squat 1 Sec pause in bottom 2RM
Row 500m Sprint x 2 w 1 minute rest
Day 6
Snatch Pause at Knee 1 sec 1RM
Bench 5RM, then -10% for 5
Standing Press 3RM, then -10% for 3
Pullups 20 Total Reps
Nosebreakers ss Closegrip Bench 10 reps ea x 5 sets
Fat Bar Curls 10 reps x 3 sets
Met Con
Day 7
1 set of Max Pullups
Cardio Row 1200m
The biggest differences in this phase is less reps and heavier weight. I have also added in extra Olympic weightlifting on days 1 and 6. I have increased the cardio in a linear fashion. Also every third week is a slight deload mainly in volume. You will also notice a daily undulated theme that I have always used, but Greg Nuckols dropped the knowledge on me about how awesome it is. Now it’s there to stay. You will also notice an increase in total volume with body weight training which is an area that I really need to focus. I used to be super strong in the relative strength category, but when I broke my neck that all changed.
Weeks 7-10
Week 7
Day 1
Back Squat Paused 2 sec warm up with Bands 1RM, then -20% for 3×2
Clean & Jerk 1 RM no misses, then -20%/2
Deadlift from 4 inch deficit 1RM, then -20% for 3
GHRs 8 reps x 3 sets
Leg Curls ss Abdominal Work
Day 2
Bench Press Max Effort Work Sling Shot 3RM
Bench Press Closegrip Bench 3 sec pause 1RM, then -20% for 3×2
Push Press 3RM, then -5&-10% for 3
Pullups 25 Total Reps
Dips 25 Total Reps
Bro Session
Family Walk
Day 3
Clean from Blocks 1RM, then -20% for 3×3
Front Squats Paused 3 sec 3RM
Max set of Pullups 1 set
Row 1400m Row
Day 4
Snatch Pull to Snatch 1RM
Squat 3 sec pause 5RM, then -10% for 5
Deadlift off Blocks Bar at Knee 3RM, then -10% for 3
Leg Curls & Abdominal Work
Met Con Work
Day 5
Snatch from Blocks 1RM, then -20% for 3×3
Row 700m Sprint x 2 w 1 minute rest
Day 6
Bench 3RM, then -5&-10% for 3
Incline DB Bench 10 reps x 3 sets
Pullups 25 Total Reps
DB R&Rs 8×8
Fat Bar Curls 10 reps x 3 sets
Met Con
Day 7
Snatch Pull x 2 to Snatch to OH Squat Max
Clean Pull to Clean to Front Squat to Jerk Max
Cardio Row 1800m
Week 8
Day 1
Back Squat Paused 1 sec warm up with bands 1RM, then -20% for 3×2
Clean & Jerk 1 RM no misses, then -20%/2
Deadlift from 2 inch deficit 1RM, then -20% for 3
GHRs 8 reps x 3 sets
Leg Curls ss Abdominal Work
Day 2
Bench Press Max Effort Work Sling Shot 2RM
Bench Press Closegrip Bench 2 sec pause 1RM, then -20% for 3×2
Push Press 3RM, then -5&-10% for 3
Pullups 25 Total Reps
Dips 25 Total Reps
Bro Session
Family Walk
Day 3
Clean from Blocks 1RM, then -20% for 3×2
Front Squats Paused 2 sec 3RM
Max set of Pullups 1 set
Row 1500m Row
Day 4
Snatch Pull to Snatch 1RM, then -20% x 2
Squat 2 sec pause 5RM, then -10% for 5 no pauses
Deadlift off Blocks Bar 2″ Below Knee 3RM, then -10% for 3
Leg Curls & Abdominal Work
Met Con Work
Day 5
Snatch from Blocks 1RM, then -20% for 3×2
Row 800m Sprint x 2 w 1 minute rest
Day 6
Bench 2RM, then -5&-10% for 2
DB Bench Press 10 reps x 3 sets
Pullups 25 Total Reps
DB R&Rs 8×8
Fat Bar Curls 10 reps x 3 sets
Met Con
Day 7
Snatch Pull to Snatch to OH Squat Max
Clean to Front Squat to Jerk Max
Cardio Row 2000m
Week 9
Day 1
Back Squat warm up with bands 1RM, then -20% for 3
Clean & Jerk 1 RM
Deadlift 1RM
Leg Curls ss Abdominal Work
Day 2
Bench Press Max Effort Work Sling Shot 1RM
Bench Press Closegrip Bench 1 sec pause 1RM, then -20% for 3
Push Press 3RM, then -10% for 3
Pullups 25 Total Reps
Dips 25 Total Reps
Bro Session
Family Walk
Day 3
Clean from Blocks 1RM, then -20% for 3
Front Squats Paused 1 sec 1RM
Max set of Pullups 1 set
Row 1000m Row
Day 4
Snatch Pull to Snatch 1RM
Squat 1 sec pause 5RM
Deadlift off Blocks Bar 4″ off Floor 1RM, then -20% for 3
Leg Curls & Abdominal Work
Met Con Work
Day 5
Snatch from Blocks 1RM
Row 500m Sprint x 2 w 1 minute rest
Day 6
Bench warm up with mini-bands 1RM, then -10% for 2
Pullups 25 Total Reps
DB R&Rs 8×8
Fat Bar Curls 10 reps x 3 sets
Met Con
Day 7
Snatch Max
Clean & Jerk Max
Cardio Row 1000m
Week 10
Day 1
Snatch max
Clean & Jerk opener
Back Squat 85%/1 x 3
Leg Curls ss Abdominal Work
Day 2
Bench Press 80%/1×3
Pullups 15 Total Reps
Dips 15 Total Reps
Day 3
Day 4
Snatch Opener
Clean & Jerk last warm up
Front Squat Max
Leg Curls & Abdominal Work
Met Con Work light 5 minute one
Day 5
Day 6 Friday
Snatch Max
Clean & Jerk Max
Day 7 Saturday
Squat Max
Bench Max
Deadlift Max
This last phase includes a taper week that will prepare the athlete for competition or at least a max out week. I have also used bands in this phase for the PAP effect solely. The other main difference is that we are using Day 7 as a test day of the Olympic lifts. We are starting with complexes, and then slowly peeling back the layers until in week 9 it is just snatch and clean & jerk.
For those using this workout, I hope that you will post your trials and successes directly on my blog. Also ask any questions directly on the blog, and I will try to answer each of them.
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Great post Travis. I only had time for a quick skim read (at work) but i can already see how well thought out this is. Thanks for the explanation behind the thinking – i found that particularly insightful and educational.
I am a 48 year old man with an 8yr old son so in a similar situation to yourself. Your comment about wanting to be in shape for your son rings home for me – it’s one of the drivers as to why I continue to train and look to be better a better lifter (and person).
thank you
What’s up travis! Love the programming. Been using Rebecca’s squat routine for a few weeks now and have seen good results! Thanks for all the knowledge bombs you drop on pretty much a daily basis. Had a couple questions.. Is it necessary to taper when your using the undulated method? I noticed that you didn’t have one for Rebecca’s program. I’m not very good at tapering, never really know how much I should cut out or for how long. I don’t compete that often so I do really long blocks without tapering and I think it would be more beneficial to taper more often. Let me know what you think. Thanks again!
Hey Travis, awesome post and seems like a great program. I was just wondering how this could be adapted if I don’t have a slingshot for the bench? Also how much band tension should be on the bar for the last cycle? If I can’t use bands, should I just max those squats without the bands?
Hey thanks for putting this out there Travis! Quick question…
Do you know what you mean by…
“Day 1
Back Squat 5RM, then -10% for 5”
Is that build up to your 5RM then do 5×5 and you decrease the weight 10% off your 5RM?
Great program Travis I am almost done with week 2 here in Afghanistan and I am pleased with the first two weeks and how I feel. My question is should I do the metcon work immediately following the lifting or take a break and hit the metcon later. Thanks
Thanks Travis I am almost done with week 2 here in Afghanistan and I am pleased with the first two weeks and how I feel. My question is should I do the metcon work immediately following the lifting or take a break and hit the metcon later. Thanks