Mash Mafia, Attitude Nation, Christmas Abbott, Jon North, Rebecca Gerdon & The Volume Begins!


Day 1
Snatch Pulls/2, Snatch/1, & OH Squats/2 max, then -10%/1
Squats 5 x 5 start with 80%
Snatch Pulls 3×3 102%
GHDs & Pullups

4 rounds for time of:

7 Power Snatches 155/105# or 105/55#
14 Lateral Box Jumps (touch on top) 20″
21 Wall Balls 20/14#

This weekend was super busy for my MashMafia Weightlifting Team! Saturday we had the NC State Championships, and Sunday we hosted the first annual Monster Mash Open! Our sister program The Attitude Nation Weightlifting Team was also in the house. Between the two of us, we won several Medals, set a countless number of PRs, qualified several for the American Open and Youth Nationals, and qualified several for the A Session of the American Open.

We also got to hang out with our extended weightlifting family! MashMafia OG Rebecca Gerdon made a celebrity appearance Saturday. Rebecca is destined for greatness! Our Port City CrossFit friends were at both events, and rocked the house at both! Keith and Heidi are awesome. If you are ever in Wilmington, visiting their gym is a must! Hanging out with Jon and Jessica North outside of Weightlifting Talk is always a treat. These two put their hearts into their team and the sport of weightlifting.

We also met Josh Homes and his girlfriend Christmas Abbott! Most of the weightlifting and CrossFit worlds know Christmas. After meeting them both, I am a Josh Homes fan too because both of them are down to earth and super nice people. Drew and I enjoyed our time hanging out with them.

The Monster Mash Open was an event that I feel so blessed to have been a part of. It’s the way I believe Weightlifting should be: loud music, jacked up crowd, and bar slamming encouraged! I have never had so much fun putting on a meet! I will be doing this at least three times per year! We had tons of PRs, and even more fun!

There will be a complete write up later this week! Here are some common mistakes that I noticed from a lot of the lifters this weekend:

1. Warming up too soon! Have a coach that knows how to count attempts!

2. Power Cleaning or Snatching! Learn the full movements first, so that becomes the natural position to be in!

3. Opening too heavy! Know what your minimum is, and if warm ups are feeling off drop that number as well.

4. Not prepared nutritionally! Have your peri-competition nutrition prepared and available

5. Not knowing the rules! Either get a qualified coach or take the time to read the rules!

For more information on weightlifting, seminars, or online coaching, go to:

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