Mash Potatoes Lean & Mean

ImageMash Potatoes Lean & Mean


            Two months ago I was weighing 225lbs.  I decided I wanted to go down to my original weight class of 94k/207lbs.  I’m 40 years old, so health is a major priority.  My goal is to next year compete at the Weightlifting National Championships and the Master’s World Championships in the 94k Class, and compete in Powerlifting at 90k.  I haven’t been in either of these weight classes since the 1990s.  My weight currently is 210lbs, and I’ve noticed incredible results.  The results have inspired me to blog about what I’m doing and what I’ve noticed. 

            My wife is the local nutrition/recipe/cooking Queen!  She calls her work, “Mash potatoes”.  The premise behind her recipes is no salt, no sugar, and no flour.  This is common sense stuff guys.  Most inflammation experts refer to these three as the “three white killers”.  Let me say up front, I am not a nutrition expert.  To really be an expert, I believe one needs to actually be doing the research.  There are studies out there that prove everything to be correct.  If I read a ton of peer reviewed articles, that doesn’t make me an expert.  I would simply be regurgitating someone else’s work.  With that being said, I am simply going off what I’ve read and experienced.  Disclaimer!!!!

            I’ve eaten her food for years, and I can honestly say I have never eaten anything that I didn’t love.  So I’m not suffering by any means!  The difference now is that I am not cheating or eating out.  I have also traded out all carbonation for water and coffee.  This isn’t a Paleo Diet because we eat legumes, potatoes, sweet potatoes, some rice, and some dairy.  We have a small cheat once per week, but now I am at a point that I am not craving the cheat day. 

            The best benefit that I have noticed is increased mobility with little to no pain in my joints.  As a 40 year old trying to compete head to head against 20 year olds, the hardest part has been dealing with painful and immobile joints.  With a clean diet, more water, fish oil, Dr. Gray(World’s Best Chiro), Kenny Clark(World’s Best Ortho), soft tissue work, mobility work, and proper sleep, I feel the best I have felt in years. 

            My advice to the 40 year olds out there that still want to live a healthy, active, and even competitive lifestyle, is to focus on diet and recovery as much as the
workout.  I also recommend to add mobility, soft tissue work (lacrosse balls, foam rollers, etc.), and stretching as a daily component to your life.  My advice to you young folks is to start proper nutrition and recovery now.  Remember this, “The Person Who Stays in the Game Longer Without Major Injury, WINS!”

            I want to thank my beautiful wife, Emily Drew Mash, for being the most amazing wife in the world.  Emily Drew, you are the Proverbs 31 Wife!  Anyone that has eaten her food or used her recipes are all blessed with someone who can make food Delicious without salt, flour, or sugar. 

           My wife’s blog is:

Her blog is full of recipes, tips, wisdom, and down right great writing.  I married the most brilliany wife on the planet.


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