Check out the “Mash Squat Every Day” E-Book with 4 twelve week programs for weightlifting, powerlifting, super total, and bodybuilding. Find out more below:
Whether you want to lose weight, gain weight, or get jacked, check out the “Mash Eat What You Want Program” for all of you Nutrition needs. Check it out today at the link below:
==> The Mash Eat What You Want Program
Join Team Mash Mafia for weightlifting, powerlifting, athletic performance, bodybuilding, running, or a hybrid approach. This team is already taking over weightlifting, and I plan on taking over all of the other disciplines one at a time. Check it out below:
The 3-Day Mash Camp is happening at the Compound July 8-10. Max Out Friday and Dinner with the team on the 8th, seminar on the 9th, and meet seminar followed by a sanctioned meet on the 10th. To find out more, check out the link below:
Mash Squat Everyday Program
I have already talked a little about this Squat Everyday plan, but I have decided to give you guys my version of the plan. My friend Cory Gregory, Co-Founder of Muscle Pharm, gave the basic plan to me. I will forever be in his debt because his plan has helped me hit numbers that I haven’t hit in 10 years. Here are some examples:
• 182k/400lb Jerk from Blocks! 12k/27lb PR
• 170k/374lb Clean from Blocks! 20k/44lb PR
• 120k/264lb Power Snatch from Blocks! 10K/22lb PR
• 151k/332lb Power Clean from Blocks
• 220k/484lb Front Squat
• 265k/583lb Back Squat
• 655lb Easy Deadlift
Here is a video of some of the highlights:
I haven’t even pushed the Squats to a true max yet, and I have only been on the program for 3 weeks. I feel like a little kid again. I am excited to go to the gym, just like I was in college. When you start hitting numbers that you hit 10+ years ago, it is like finding the fountain of youth. I am 4-years-old, and all of a sudden I am wanting to go head to head with all the youngsters.
Why does it work so well? Here are my initial thoughts:
• It’s like practicing basketball everyday. The more you practice equals a more efficient movement.
• Increased mobility from practicing a full squat everyday.
• Body is getting stronger to adapt to the heavy daily stimulus.
• Squatting first wakes up the body.
The Mash Mafia Online Weightlifting Team, the Eat & Lift What You Want Team, and my Coach Mash Online Clients are all about to get sick versions of this plan that fits them. However, below is a great outline that can help you develop you own plan.
Here is what it looks like:
Day 1
Warm Up with OH Squat Variations
Front Squat Paused no belt
Snatch from Blocks EMOMs
Upper Muscular Imbalance Work (Powerlifter Bench Press)
Day 2
Front Squat Paused 3 sec with Belt
Clean from Blocks EMOMs
Core Muscular Imbalance
Optional Cardio
Day 3
High Back squat Paused 3 sec with Belt
Bench Press Rep Max work
Deadlift EMOMs after first 4 week
Lower Imbalance Work or Upper Muscluar Imbalance
Day 4
Warm Up with OH Squat Variations
Front Squat with Belt no pause
Snatch Max Effort
Optional Cardio
Day 5
Low or High Bar Back Squat no pause with Belt
Clean & Jerk Max Effort
Jerk from Block work (Max effort or rep work)
Day 6
OH Squat Variation Max Effort
Bench Max Effort
Deadlift Max Effort
Lower Muscular Imbalance
Day 7
Thruster or Cluster max effort work
Core Muscular Imbalance
Interval Training
This is just the outline. The variations are endless, but I am going to give you all some great ideas.
1. All the Pause work can be varied by the total time paused. You can vary between 1-5 seconds. You can also pause in bottom, on the way down, or on the way up.
2. The Every Minute on the Minute Block work should be done with singles and anywhere from 8-15 sets. You can vary them more by changing the height of the blocks (Bar and power position, Bar at knee, or Bar 4-6 inches off floor, or in the catch. If you are competing, you could go from the floor during the final 4 weeks.
3. Snatch Max Effort can be: Blocks of varied heights, hangs of varied heights, pauses at Knee, pauses 2 inches off floor, pauses in catch, complexes, regular Snatch and Clean & Jerk, and reps from 1-3.
4. Clean & Jerk Max Effort can be: Blocks of varied heights, hangs of varied heights, pauses at Knee, pauses 2 inches off floor, pauses in catch, complexes, regular Snatch and Clean & Jerk, and reps from 1-3.
5. Warm Up Overhead Squat Variations include: OH Squat pauses, Heaving Snatch Balance, Snatch Balance, regular OH Squats, and reps between 1-5. Keep this light so no more than 75% of Snatch.
6. Bench Press Rep Maxes- Start the first 4 weeks with 8-10 rep maxes and 1-2 drop sets of the same rep scheme with 10-15% less weight.
7. Deadlift EMOM work- 8-15 sets of singles starting with about 70% and working up in weight. I wouldn’t go for a max until week 7 or later. You can also pause at the knee or 2 inches off the floor.
8. On Friday’s you can opt to just hit a Max Effort Clean, and then a max effort Jerk from Blocks, or Clean & Jerk max effort and then rep work for the jerk from Blocks.
9. Max Effort Jerk from Blocks- you can vary the reps from 1-3. You can pause in dip, catch, or both. You can vary the length of the pause. You can vary between split and Power Jerk. Or just jerk
10. If you are a powerlifter only, you can skip all the Olympic stuff. You can also add in one additional Bench Press on Monday
11. Rep Work can be done from Split or Power Jerk. You can vary reps from 3-5, and vary the sets from 3-5. Keep the intensity between 60-80% of Max Jerk. If you are a Grid Athlete, this is a great time to practice shoulder to OH. These can also be paused in the dip, catch, or both.
12. Overhead Squat Variation Max Effort- The variations can be a regular Overhead Squat, Snatch Balance, Heaving Snatch Balance, or a complex (ex. 2 Snatch Push Presses, 1 3 sec paused OH Squat, and 2 OH Squats not paused), and reps can range from 1-5.
13. Bench Max Effort Work- Bench off 1, 2, or 3 Boards, Floor Presses, Reverse Bands, Closegrip, Wide Grip, varied pauses, reps 1-5, and always finish with 85-100% to chest for 1-3 reps.
14. Deadlift Max Effort Work- Use varied Blocks (Bar at knee, Bar 4 inches below knee, or plates 2-6 inches off floor), Reverse Bands, 2 inch deficit, and keep reps 1-5.
15. Thruster or Cluster Work. First let me tell you what that is. A thruster is a Front squat into a press. A Cluster is a full depth clean into a press. I do these because they are fun, and because I am planning on giving the Grid a real go next year. Keep the reps from 1-5. I wouldn’t go past 5 because they can be brutal, and that might affect the coming week. I would do 1-5 down sets with 20-30% less weight. If you have aspirations of Grid or CrossFit keep the down sets higher. If not, 1-2 down sets will suffice.
16. Other ways to vary the Squats- Use Knee wraps, chains, bands, and specialty bars. I would try to keep most days straight weight and a regular bar. However adding in a few of these variations on 1-2 days of the program could be beneficial. I wouldn’t add these until initial gains start to slow down.
17. Manipulating Volume of the Squat- This one is easy, and remember less is more. You can add extra reps on the warm ups, or you can add 1-2 down sets of 20-30% less weight. Keep the down set reps between 3-5. When you decide to add volume, start with adding volume to one day only. Then you can increase it to two days. The key is a slow and steady climb because the program is going to be enough of an initial shock.
18. People who are strictly weightlifters can drop one or both bench days depending on how it affects their shoulders.
19. Upper Muscular Imbalance work- Choose 1-2 from the following list:
Upper Body Bro
Muscle Ups 3-8 reps x 3-4 sets
Rope Climb 2-5 reps x 3-4 sets
HSPUs 5-15 reps x 3-4 sets
Hand Stand Walks max distance in 45 sec x 3 sets
Fat Bar Curls 8-15 reps x 3-4 sets
Tri-Delts 8-15 reps x 3-4 sets
Ring Dips 8-15 reps x 3-4 sets
Pullups 8-15 reps x 3-4 sets
Plate Lateral Raises 8-15 reps x 3-4 sets
KB Upright Rows 8-15 reps x 3-4 sets
DB Tricep Extension 8-15 reps x 3-4 sets
KB Swinging Rows 8-15 reps x 3-4 sets
Seated Rows 8-15 reps x 3-4 sets
Band Pull Aparts 10-20 reps x 3-4 sets
DB Clean & Presses 8-15 reps x 3-4 sets
Choose the exercises that pertain to you. If you are a CrossFitter or Grid Athlete, then there are some obvious choices. If you are weak overhead, there are some obvious choices. This is where you might need a professional strength and conditioning coach to assess you to determine the areas that need the most work.
20. Lower Muscular Imbalance- Pick 1-2 from the following list:
Lower Body Bro
Suitcase Deadlifts 5-10 reps per side x 3 sets
KB Unilateral OH Squats 5-10 reps x 3-4 sets
DB Waiter Squats 5-10 reps x 3-4 sets
Lunges DB/BB/KB 5-10 reps x 3-4 sets
Overhead Squats 3-5 reps x 3-4 sets
Unilateral RDLs 5-10 reps per side x 3 sets
GHDs 5-10 reps x 3-4 sets
Goodmornings 5-10 reps x 3-4 sets
21. Core Muscular Imbalance Work- Pick 1-2 from the following list:
Overall Core & Stabilization
OH Carries Axle For Timed Events when you can carry 45 seconds x 3 sets move up in weight
One arm OH Carries For Timed Events when you can carry 45 seconds x 3 sets move up in weight
Unilateral Farmer’s Carry For Timed Events when you can carry 45 seconds x 3 sets move up in weight
Bilateral Farmers Carry For Timed Events when you can carry 45 seconds x 3 sets move up in weight
This plan is killing it for me. I know that you are going to love it. If you want a customized plan that fits you, your goals, your equipment, your level, and your available time, click on one of the links below:
Mash Mafia Online Weightlifting Team
Looking at starting this program. I was intimidated by it a while back but now I’d like to try it. My question is what numbers (%) should I be using for these lifts? Or do i need to buy the ebook to get more information on this? Thank you!