Mash Super Total and Get Jacked! Our New 9-Week FREE Workout

Join Team Mash Mafia for weightlifting, powerlifting, athletic performance, bodybuilding, running, or a hybrid approach. This team is already taking over weightlifting, and I plan on taking over all of the other disciplines one at a time. Check it out below:

>>>Team Mash Mafia<<<

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==> The Mash Eat What You Want Program

The Mash 9-Week Super Total and Get Jacked Program

Below is a 9-week workout designed to peak an athlete for the five main lifts: Snatch, Clean and Jerk, Back Squat, Bench Press, and Deadlift. I wanted to show all of you that it is very easy to train all five lifts at the same time. This workout is also designed to add some muscle mass.

I tried to balance out the accessory work. I also added in a lot of exercises designed to strengthen the core and improve the hips like the unilateral farmers walk. Let’s look at these one at a time.

Weeks 1-3
Day 1
Clean & Jerk 50% x 3, 60% x 3, 70% 3×3, then work to a 3RM (7-8 RPE)
Back Squat 5RM (1st two reps paused 2 sec), then -10% for 2×5 no pauses
Unilateral RDLs 3 x 8 ea leg
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats 3 x 8 ea leg
Planks with Band Lat Pulls 3 x 20-30 sec ea arm

Day 2
Snatch 50% x 3, 60% x 3, 70% 3×3, then work to a 3RM (7-8 RPE)
Bench Press 5RM, then -15% for 2×5 with last set 5+
DB Incline Bench 3 x 10
DB Tricep Extensions 4×8
Dips 3 x submaximal (add weight if capable of 15+ bodyweight reps

Day 3
Front Squat 3RM, then -15% for 2×3 last set is 3+
Deadlift EMOM 8 x 1 starting at 70% with a 3 sec pause at knee work up but not past 85%
Bent over Rows 3 x 10
Pull-ups 3 x submaximal (add weight if capable of 15+ bodyweight reps
KB Upright Rows 3×10 eccentric is slower than concentric

Day 4

Day 5
Snatch from Medium Blocks 3RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 3
Clean & Jerk from Med Blocks 3RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 3
Unilateral Carries 3 x 25m ea hand

Day 6
Back Squat 10RM, then -10% for 2×10
Bench 10RM, then -10% for 2×10
Deadlift Alt. Stance 5RM (first two reps paused 3 sec at knee), then -10% for 5

1a. Plate Lateral Raises 3×10
1b. Axle Bar Curls 3×10

Day 7

First with the Clean and Jerk and Snatch we are keeping the RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion) around a 7 or 8. That means on a scale from 1 to 10 with 10 being an all out maximum, we are staying at a 7 or 8. Basically I want the athlete to stop a set or two before a maximum set. The focus of the first three weeks is hypertrophy and general strength. I want the athlete focused on movement and timing with the Olympic lifts. I don’t want any misses.

The Planks are performed with a band attached to a rack directly in front of them. The athlete will perform lat pulls slow and controlled for the prescribed time. I also want attention paid to the position of the plank. The athlete should still maintain a flat and stable body.

You will notice that the bench press has a “+”. That means as many past 5 as possible. It’s a way to add a little volume on the bench press for hypertrophy, or basically I am just trying to get the athlete jacked.

On the dips and pull-ups, I am asking that the athlete goes to submaximal reps, or simply put I want the athlete to stop before they miss. If an athlete can do 15 reps without missing, they can add weight.

EMOM- this means every minute on the minute

Eccentric- means the lowering or negative portion of the lift. It’s the lengthening of the muscle.

Concentric- means the upward portion of the lift or where the muscle contracts.

Medium Blocks should place the bar at knee level.

Unilateral carries- these are basically farmers walks. However, I want the athlete to focus on staying as erect as possible with the carrying elbow out.

Alternate Stance on the Deadlift- this means if you deadlift conventional, I want you to perform sumo and vice versa.

Weeks 4-6
Week 1
Clean & Jerk 55% x 2, 65% x 2, 75% 4×2, then work to a 2RM (8-9 RPE)
Back Squat 3RM (1st rep paused 2 sec), then -10% for 2×3 no pauses
Kang Squats 3 x 8 (start with around 28-30% of back squat)
BB Lunges 3 x 8ea leg
Planks with Band Lat Pulls 3 x 30-40 sec ea arm

Week 2
Snatch 55% x 2, 65% x 2, 75% 4×2, then work to a 2RM (8-9 RPE)
Bench Press 3RM, then -15% for 3×3 with last set 3+
Close grip Floor Presses 4×8
DB Decline Bench 3 x 10
Seated DB P. Cleans 3×10

Week 3
Front Squat 1RM(with 1 sec pause), then -15% for 2×3 no pauses
Deadlift from 2″ Deficit 3RM with a 4 sec eccentric, then -15% for 3
DB Rows 3 x 8 ea arm
Pull-ups 3 x submaximal (add weight if capable of 15+ bodyweight reps
KB Swinging Rows 3×12

Day 4

Day 5
Snatch 1 Snatch Pull, 1 Snatch, 1 Hang Snatch, and 1 Oh Squat work to an 8-9 RPE max
Clean & Jerk 1 Clean Pull, 1 Clean, 1 Front Squat, and 1 Jerk work to an 8-9 RPE max
Unilateral Carries 3 x 40m ea hand

Day 6
Back Squat 5RM, then -10% for 2×5
Bench 5RM, then -10% for 2×5
Deadlift from medium blocks 3RM, then -10% for 2×3

1a. DB Standing Presses 3 x 10
1b. Axle Bar Curls 3 x 10

Day 7

The only things that change during weeks 4 thru 6 are sets and reps, and a few new exercises.

Kang Squats- these are a combo good morning and squat exercise. I am sure that you can Google them.

Deficit Deadlifts are to be performed with only a 2” deficit. More is not better. I want the athlete to maintain a good posture with these.

Weeks 7-8
Week 1
Clean & Jerk 70% x 3, 75% x2, 80% x 1, 75% x2, 80% x 2, 85% x1, work up limited to 1 miss
Back Squat 1RM with a 3 sec pause, then -15% for 2×3
GHDs 3×8
BB/DB Step Ups 3 x 8 ea leg

Week 2
Snatch 70% x 3, 75% x2, 80% x 1, 75% x2, 80% x 2, 85% x1, work up limited to 1 miss
Bench Press 1RM with a 3 sec pause, then -15% for 2×3, -20% for AMRAP
Close grip Floor Presses 5×5
DB Tricep Extensions 6×8
Seated DB P. Clean & Press 3×10

Week 3
Front Squat 1RM (9 RPE), then -15% for 2×3
Deadlift 3RM with a 4 sec eccentric, then -15% for 2×3
KB Bat Wing Rows 3 x 10
Pull-ups 3 x submaximal (add weight if capable of 15+ bodyweight reps

Day 4

Day 5
Snatch 75% x2, 80% x2, 85% x 1, and then max out allowed 2 misses
Clean & Jerk 75% x2, 80% x2, 85% x 1, and then max out allowed 2 misses
Unilateral Carries 3 x 50m ea hand

Day 6
Back Squat 3RM, then -10% for 2×3
Bench 3RM, then -15% for 2×3 (last set is 3+)
Deadlift from 4″ blocks 3RM, then -10% for 2×3

Axle Bar Curls 3×8

Day 7

Weeks 9
Week 1
Clean & Jerk Work up to an opening Clean & Jerk
Back Squat Work up to 90% for 1
GHDs 2×8

Week 2
Snatch Work up heavy but no misses
Bench Press Work up to 90% for 1
Close grip Floor Presses Off
Seated DB P. Clean & Press Off

Week 3
Front Squat 85% for 2×1
Deadlift Work up to 80% for 1
Rows Your Choice 3 x 10
Pull-ups Off
KB Swinging Rows Off

Day 4

Day 5
Snatch Max
Clean & Jerk Max
Unilateral Carries Off

Day 6
Back Squat Max
Bench Max
Deadlift from 4″ blocks Max

Day 7

Weeks 7-9 are designed to taper you for a max out. Personally I love training for the super total. It keeps things fun and exciting, and I love aspects of both sports. If you are just trying to stay strong, move well, and get jacked, this is the workout for you.

In October we are dropping a new book that will give you more on the super total. I give you workouts, ways to pick accessory work to match weaknesses, and ways to progress the workouts.

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Remember on September 17th-18th we will be hosting the Mash Barbell Picnic” on the Farm. Weightlifting Day 1 and Powerlifting Day 2, but more importantly hanging out together the entire weekend. Check it out below:

The Mash Barbell Picnic

Check out the “Mash Squat Every Day” E-Book with 4 twelve week programs for weightlifting, powerlifting, super total, and bodybuilding. Find out more below:

>>>Mash Squat Every Day<<<
Mash Super Total and Get Jacked

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