Matt McCarthy: Black Sheep Pastor

Let me tell you about my friend and pastor Matt McCarthy. Matt is the first pastor that I can actually say is my good friend. We have gone to the beach together, coached basketball together, and simply hung out together. The reason that I am writing this is to let you know what can of man this guy is, and to let you know the journey that he is embarking upon with his amazing family.

Matt has personally helped me with several major decisions in my life. Each time we wrote down pros and cons, looked at what the bible had to say, and prayed. He has never failed to be there for me, and now I want to return the favor. The man’s mission in life is to spread the gospel, demonstrate God’s love by the way he treats and serves others, and to see more people come to know Christ.

The way he teaches is perfect for a high energy, attention challenged energy junkie like me. He taught a Sunday school class on marriage that definitely challenged me and showed me that I have more work to do. His energetic, fill-in the blank way of teaching kept me on the edge of my seat wanting more. His teaching will shed light on things in your life that need work, ways to go about it, and energy to do it by bring God more glory.

Now I know most of my readers are tough guys and gals. Well so is Pastor Matt! He was an all-star basketball player in Boston where he grew up. The fact that he grew up in Boston says enough about his toughness. You should see him coach his girl basketball team! He demands their best, challenges them to get better, and does it all with the mercy and love of Christ. This guy is a Mash Mafia Black Sheep is there ever was one.

He is about to move his family a thousand miles away to learn from Pastor James McDonald in Chicago. His main mission there will be to learn all the ends and outs of planting a new church. His pay will initially be getting chopped in more than half. Did I mention that he has four boys? Lucky for him his Miriam is a true Proverbs 31 wife, supporting her man while keeping faith that God will provide.

As you can tell, I love this man, and I will miss him so badly. Below is his letter explaining more clearly who he is, what he will be doing, and how to help. Read it over, and if you feel led, please help my pastor and friend Matt McCarthy in his journey to honor God, love others, and spread the gospel.

Matt’s letter:

July 14, 2014

Dear Friends,

We trust that you are doing well and that you are enjoying your summer. If you have not heard, this summer has been full of change for the McCarthy’s. After 13 years as pastor at Twin City Bible Church in Winston-Salem, NC, we are excited to announce that God has called Matt to church plant through the Harvest Bible Fellowship.

The Harvest Bible Fellowship is a ministry of James MacDonald and it is founded on four pillars of ministry:
1. Proclaiming the authority of God’s Word without apology
2. Lifting high the name of Jesus through worship
3. Believing firmly in the power of prayer
4. Sharing the good news of Jesus with boldness

Our present plans are to move in mid-August to Chicago for 4 months of training. Upon the completion of Matt’s training, we will move to a location still be determined in order to serve Christ by establishing a local church body for the glory of our Savior.

As we embark upon this new adventure, we are asking friends and family to partner with us by joining our prayer team and supporting us financially. As a Harvest church planter, Matt is expected to raise $8000 in seed money for our church plant and all gifts are considered tax deductible. If you are able to partner with us financially, giving through our webpage is the simplest option ( If you prefer to give through check, please send to Harvest Bible Fellowship 1000 N. Randall Road Elgin, IL 60123 and include a note specifying my name. If you desire to partner with us through prayer, please join the McCarthy Prayer Team on Facebook (

Thank you for being a part of our journey!

Matt, Miriam, Isaiah, Owen, Creed, and Judah

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