Max Out Friday! 10/4/13 5 Tips for Snatch & 5 Tips for Clean & Jerk


Snatch max focus on minimum
Clean & Jerk max focus on minimum
Jerks off Box or Snatch Balance work

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps:
Deadlifts @1.5 bodyweight,
Bench Press @bodyweight,
Cleans @0.75 bodyweight.

Snatch Tips:
1. Bring the bar into the shin before the pull to start the shift from ball of foot to heels.
2. Stand all the way up through the heels to ensure proper Pendlay Position 1 for Bar to Hip Contact. “Stand up” is a superior verbal cue to “Jump”!
3. Release the hook grip in the catch position.
4. Get comfortable in the catch position! Let the weight settle before standing up!
5. Catch the weight with the head through, vertical back, & weight distributed on upper back and traps.

Clean & Jerk Tips:
1. Bring the bar into the shin before the pull to start the shift from ball of foot to heels.
2. Stand all the way up through the heels to ensure proper Pendlay Position 1 for Bar to Hip Contact. “Stand up” is a superior verbal cue to “Jump”!
3. Practice catching the bar oscillation out of the bottom of the catch. Jon North is an example of someone who can stand up with any weight because of his timing in the catch phase.
4. If you start struggling out of the bottom of the catch, go back down and catch another bounce.
5. With the Jerk keep a vertical back on the dip, dip straight down with butt slightly back, and learn to push your body down, under and through the bar.

I just finished watching my morning crew PR right & left! Unbelievable group! On my way to the Level II Attitude Nation Camp! Can’t wait!

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Be on the lookout for the “Donate to Lisa G.” section of and It will be up next week, and we are having a competition November 16th that we will announce information on next week as well. For all of you that don’t know Lisa G. is an original MashMafia member that is battling Lung Cancer.

Videos of the week:

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