Max Out Friday is a Way of Life!

Max Out Friday is a Way of Life!

I woke up this morning excited like it was the Friday morning of a Friday Night Football Game in High School. Max Out Friday makes total sense! Every week you give your athletes a chance to go to battle against themselves and each other. Every Friday is a chance to be better than the last, and maybe a chance to be better than you have ever been in your life. This is a life lesson!

Every week in life should be a Max Out Friday! Maybe you were laid off last week, but this week is a chance to get a better job. This week could be a chance to start your own business, and a chance to call your own shots. This means that this week is not a week to feel sorry for yourself, drink your blues away, or to sit on the couch. Get you butt off the couch, and let’s Max Out in Life Man!

I’m 40 year old, and every Friday I wake up excited for the possibilities. The possibility that one of my athletes will do something extraordinary. The possibility that one of them will understand competition a little better. Heck The Possibility that maybe I will set a PR that I haven’t hit in 15 years. I am within 10 kilos in my Snatch, and 20 K in my Clean & Jerk, and I have only been training 6 months. So I say again, IT’s MAX OUT FRIDAY BABY! Get off your butt, and live this one life that God has given us! Don’t waste the precious gift that God has granted us! Do Work! Do something Extraordinary! Do something for the first time in your life!!! Glorify God!!

Now Let’s Go!!! It’s Max Out Friday!!!

If you don’t know anything about a Max Out Friday, hit me up at:
Twitter @MashElite
YouTube: Travis Mash
Facebook: Mash Elite Performance and Smashed CrossFit

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