Monday 3/6/17

  • First day of training after the Arnold! Had a blast and took 4th overall for the women, which is cool 🙂 Now to prep for the next comp! This week following the competition will be more strength and CrossFit focused to give me a little break from the monotony and stress of weightlifting training.


A1) Bench Press:

  • 5×6 @ 125#

A2) Bentover Row:

  • 5×10 @ 115#

B1) One-Arm DB Press:

  • 25# x 15, 15, 15

B2) One-Arm DB High Pull:

  • 25# x 20, 20, 20

B3) Back Extensions on GHD (hands behind head)

  • 30, 30, 30


4 Rounds for Time:

  • 20 Wallballs (14# to 9′)
  • 20 DB Push Press (35#/hand)
  • 12 Cal Bike
  • 13:28
  • SUCH a shoulder burner on those push presses. Oof. Fun WOD to come back with though


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