Monday – January 9th, 2017

Oly Work

  • Kneeling Snatches + BTN Press 3+3×3 38kg, 3+3×4 40kg 3+3×3 35kg
  • Kneeling Snatch Shrugs 5×10 93Kg

I hit my head with the barbell doing kneeling snatches on my 5th set at 40kgs, after that I couldn’t get my focus back, so I dropped it back down to 35kgs and got some more speed work in. I came into the gym unfocused, and discouraged. Hitting my head was probably a result of my lack of focus. Lesson learned. Don’t look at you medical bills right before you leave for training, and don’t answer work emails and texts during training.

Bro Session – Shoulders

  • Dumbbell shoulder press 5×10 30lbs
  • Bottom UP KB Z press 5x8e 25lbs
  • Front raise w/ 5 sec ecc 3×10 + Lateral Raise 3×10 + DB clean 3×10 10lbs

Body Weight: 62.9kg

Days until I start Walking: ONE WEEK! – Can not come soon enough

These past couple of weeks have been rough. Don keeps reassuring me that this is going to be the hardest part and that it will get easier (mentally) as I can add in more and more exercises. I’m doing the best I can. I’m getting stronger each day, and I’m learning as I go. This dog WILL fight.

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